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ENCGUESS(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide ENCGUESS(1)

NAME encguess - guess character encodings of files
VERSION $Id: encguess,v 0.3 2020/12/02 01:28:17 dankogai Exp dankogai $
SYNOPSIS encguess [switches] filename...
SWITCHES -h show this message and exit.
-s specify a list of "suspect encoding types" to test, separated by either ":" or ","
-S output a list of all acceptable encoding types that can be used with the -s param
-u suppress display of unidentified types
EXAMPLES: o Guess encoding of a file named "test.txt", using only the default suspect types.
encguess test.txt
o Guess the encoding type of a file named "test.txt", using the suspect types "euc-jp,shiftjis,7bit-jis".
encguess -s euc-jp,shiftjis,7bit-jis test.txt encguess -s euc-jp:shiftjis:7bit-jis test.txt
o Guess the encoding type of several files, do not display results for unidentified files.
encguess -us euc-jp,shiftjis,7bit-jis test*.txt
DESCRIPTION The encoding identification is done by checking one encoding type at a time until all but the right type are eliminated. The set of encoding types to try is defined by the -s parameter and defaults to ascii, utf8 and UTF-16/32 with BOM. This can be overridden by passing one or more encoding types via the -s parameter. If you need to pass in multiple suspect encoding types, use a quoted string with the a space separating each value.
SEE ALSO Encode::Guess, Encode::Detect
LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2015 Michael LaGrasta and Dan Kogai.