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NAME exrenvmap - convert exr image environment maps
SYNOPSIS exrenvmap [options] infile outfile
DESCRIPTION Convert an OpenEXR latitude-longitude environment map into a cube-face environment map or vice versa. Reads an environment map image from infile, converts it, and stores the result in outfile.
If the input file name contains a '%' character, then an input cube-face environment map is assembled from six square sub-images that represent the six faces of the cube. The names of the six image files are generated by replacing the % with +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z and -Z respectively.
If the output file name contains a '%' character and the program has been instructed to produce a cube-face environment map, then the output image is split into six square sub-images that are saved in six separate output files. The names of the files are generated by replacing the % with +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z and -Z respectively.
OPTIONS -o produces a ONE_LEVEL output file (default)
-m produces a MIPMAP_LEVELS output file (-m has no effect if the output image is split into multiple files)
-c the output file will be a cube-face environment map (default)
-l the output file will be a latitude-longitude environment map
-ci the input file is interpreted as a cube-face environment map, regardless of its envmap attribute
-li the input file is interpreted as a latitudelongitude environment map, regardless of its envmap attribute (-li has no effect if the input image is assembled from multiple files)
-w x sets the width of the output image to x pixels (default is 256). The height of the output image will be x*6 pixels for a cube-face map, or x/2 pixels for a latitude-longitude map.
-f r n sets the antialiasing filter radius to r (default is 1.0) and the sampling rate to n by n (default is 5 by 5). Increasing r makes the output image blurrier; decreasing r makes the image sharper but may cause aliasing. Increasing n improves antialiasing, but generating the output image takes longer.
-b blurs the environment map image by applying a 180-degree-wide filter kernel such that pointsampling the blurred image at a location that corresponds to 3D direction N returns the color that a white diffuse reflector with surface normal N would have if it was illuminated using the original non-blurred image. Generating the blurred image can be fairly slow.
-d sets level size rounding to ROUND_DOWN (default)
-u sets level size rounding to ROUND_UP
-z x sets the data compression method to x (none/rle/zip/piz/pxr24/b44/b44a/dwaa/dwab, default is zip)
-v verbose mode
-h, --help print this message
--version print version information
REPORTING BUGS Report bugs via or email
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OpenEXR 3.2.0 December 2023 EXRENVMAP(1)