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NAME gvfsd-metadata - Metadata daemon for gvfs
SYNOPSIS gvfs-metadata [OPTION...]
DESCRIPTION gvfsd-metadata is a daemon acting as a write serialiser to the internal gvfs metadata storage. It is autostarted by GIO clients when they make metadata changes. Read operations are done by client-side GIO code directly, and don't require the daemon to be running.
The gvfs metadata capabilities are used by the nautilus file manager, for example.
OPTIONS -h, --help Prints a short help text and exits.
--version Shows the version number and exits.
-r, --replace Replace the currently running instance.
EXIT STATUS On success 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise.
FILES $XDG_DATA_HOME/gvfs-metadata The directory where the gvfs metadata database files are stored
SEE ALSO gvfs(7), nautilus(1)