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MATE-PANEL-TEST-APPLETS(1) FreeBSD General Commands Manual
NAME mate-panel-test-applets - display and test installed applets
SYNOPSIS mate-panel-test-applets [OPTIONS]
DESCRIPTION mate-panel-test-applets display installed applets in a dialog box and allow you to test them.
OPTIONS --iid Specify an applet IID to load
--prefs-path Specify a gsettings path in which the applet preferences should be stored
--size Specify the initial size of the applet (xx-small, medium, large etc.)
--orient Specify the initial orientation of the applet (top, bottom, left or right)
--display=DISPLAY X display to use.
-?, -h, --help Print standard command line options.
--help-all Print all command line options.
This program also accepts the standard GTK options.
BUGS Should you encounter any bugs, they may be reported at:
AUTHORS This Man Page has been updated/re-written for the MATE Desktop Environment by: Adam Erdman <> (2014)
HISTORY This manual page was originally written by Christian Marillat <> for the Debian GNU/Linux system. (2006)
SEE ALSO Further information may also be available at: mate-panel(1)
MATE Desktop Environment 4 February 2014 MATE-PANEL-TEST-APPLETS(1)