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PERLSUB(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLSUB(1)
perlsub - Perl subroutines
To declare subroutines:
sub NAME; # A "forward" declaration.
sub NAME(PROTO); # ditto, but with prototypes
sub NAME : ATTRS; # with attributes
sub NAME(PROTO) : ATTRS; # with attributes and prototypes
sub NAME BLOCK # A declaration and a definition.
sub NAME(PROTO) BLOCK # ditto, but with prototypes
sub NAME : ATTRS BLOCK # with attributes
sub NAME(PROTO) : ATTRS BLOCK # with prototypes and attributes
use feature 'signatures';
sub NAME(SIG) BLOCK # with signature
sub NAME :ATTRS (SIG) BLOCK # with signature, attributes
sub NAME :prototype(PROTO) (SIG) BLOCK # with signature, prototype
To define an anonymous subroutine at runtime:
$subref = sub BLOCK; # no proto
$subref = sub (PROTO) BLOCK; # with proto
$subref = sub : ATTRS BLOCK; # with attributes
$subref = sub (PROTO) : ATTRS BLOCK; # with proto and attributes
use feature 'signatures';
$subref = sub (SIG) BLOCK; # with signature
$subref = sub : ATTRS(SIG) BLOCK; # with signature, attributes
To import subroutines:
To call subroutines:
NAME(LIST); # & is optional with parentheses.
NAME LIST; # Parentheses optional if predeclared/imported.
&NAME(LIST); # Circumvent prototypes.
&NAME; # Makes current @_ visible to called subroutine.
Like many languages, Perl provides for user-defined subroutines. These
may be located anywhere in the main program, loaded in from other files
via the "do", "require", or "use" keywords, or generated on the fly
using "eval" or anonymous subroutines. You can even call a function
indirectly using a variable containing its name or a CODE reference.
The Perl model for function call and return values is simple: all
functions are passed as parameters one single flat list of scalars, and
all functions likewise return to their caller one single flat list of
scalars. Any arrays or hashes in these call and return lists will
collapse, losing their identities--but you may always use pass-by-
reference instead to avoid this. Both call and return lists may
accessible in the @_ array in the same way as for non-signature
subroutines, but accessing them in this manner is now discouraged
inside such a signature-using subroutine.
In a subroutine that does not use signatures, any arguments passed in
show up in the array @_. Therefore, if you called a function with two
arguments, those would be stored in $_[0] and $_[1]. The array @_ is a
local array, but its elements are aliases for the actual scalar
parameters. In particular, if an element $_[0] is updated, the
corresponding argument is updated (or an error occurs if it is not
updatable). If an argument is an array or hash element which did not
exist when the function was called, that element is created only when
(and if) it is modified or a reference to it is taken. (Some earlier
versions of Perl created the element whether or not the element was
assigned to.) Assigning to the whole array @_ removes that aliasing,
and does not update any arguments.
When not using signatures, Perl does not otherwise provide a means to
create named formal parameters. In practice all you do is assign to a
"my()" list of these. Variables that aren't declared to be private are
global variables. For gory details on creating private variables, see
"Private Variables via my()" and "Temporary Values via local()". To
create protected environments for a set of functions in a separate
package (and probably a separate file), see "Packages" in perlmod.
A "return" statement may be used to exit a subroutine, optionally
specifying the returned value, which will be evaluated in the
appropriate context (list, scalar, or void) depending on the context of
the subroutine call. If you specify no return value, the subroutine
returns an empty list in list context, the undefined value in scalar
context, or nothing in void context. If you return one or more
aggregates (arrays and hashes), these will be flattened together into
one large indistinguishable list.
If no "return" is found and if the last statement is an expression, its
value is returned. If the last statement is a loop control structure
like a "foreach" or a "while", the returned value is unspecified. The
empty sub returns the empty list.
sub max {
my $max = shift(@_);
foreach $foo (@_) {
$max = $foo if $max < $foo;
return $max;
$bestday = max($mon,$tue,$wed,$thu,$fri);
# get a line, combining continuation lines
# that start with whitespace
sub get_line {
$thisline = $lookahead; # global variables!
LINE: while (defined($lookahead = <STDIN>)) {
if ($lookahead =~ /^[ \t]/) {
$lookahead = <STDIN>; # get first line
while (defined($line = get_line())) {
Assigning to a list of private variables to name your arguments:
sub maybeset {
my($key, $value) = @_;
$Foo{$key} = $value unless $Foo{$key};
Because the assignment copies the values, this also has the effect of
turning call-by-reference into call-by-value. Otherwise a function is
free to do in-place modifications of @_ and change its caller's values.
upcase_in($v1, $v2); # this changes $v1 and $v2
sub upcase_in {
for (@_) { tr/a-z/A-Z/ }
You aren't allowed to modify constants in this way, of course. If an
argument were actually literal and you tried to change it, you'd take a
(presumably fatal) exception. For example, this won't work:
It would be much safer if the "upcase_in()" function were written to
return a copy of its parameters instead of changing them in place:
($v3, $v4) = upcase($v1, $v2); # this doesn't change $v1 and $v2
sub upcase {
return unless defined wantarray; # void context, do nothing
my @parms = @_;
for (@parms) { tr/a-z/A-Z/ }
return wantarray ? @parms : $parms[0];
Notice how this (unprototyped) function doesn't care whether it was
passed real scalars or arrays. Perl sees all arguments as one big,
long, flat parameter list in @_. This is one area where Perl's simple
argument-passing style shines. The "upcase()" function would work
perfectly well without changing the "upcase()" definition even if we
fed it things like this:
@newlist = upcase(@list1, @list2);
@newlist = upcase( split /:/, $var );
Do not, however, be tempted to do this:
(@a, @b) = upcase(@list1, @list2);
Like the flattened incoming parameter list, the return list is also
flattened on return. So all you have managed to do here is stored
everything in @a and made @b empty. See "Pass by Reference" for
See perlref for more about all that.
Subroutines may be called recursively. If a subroutine is called using
the "&" form, the argument list is optional, and if omitted, no @_
array is set up for the subroutine: the @_ array at the time of the
call is visible to subroutine instead. This is an efficiency mechanism
that new users may wish to avoid.
&foo(1,2,3); # pass three arguments
foo(1,2,3); # the same
foo(); # pass a null list
&foo(); # the same
&foo; # foo() get current args, like foo(@_) !!
use strict 'subs';
foo; # like foo() iff sub foo predeclared, else
# a compile-time error
no strict 'subs';
foo; # like foo() iff sub foo predeclared, else
# a literal string "foo"
Not only does the "&" form make the argument list optional, it also
disables any prototype checking on arguments you do provide. This is
partly for historical reasons, and partly for having a convenient way
to cheat if you know what you're doing. See "Prototypes" below.
Since Perl 5.16.0, the "__SUB__" token is available under "use feature
'current_sub'" and "use v5.16". It will evaluate to a reference to the
currently-running sub, which allows for recursive calls without knowing
your subroutine's name.
use v5.16;
my $factorial = sub {
my ($x) = @_;
return 1 if $x == 1;
return($x * __SUB__->( $x - 1 ) );
The behavior of "__SUB__" within a regex code block (such as
"/(?{...})/") is subject to change.
Subroutines whose names are in all upper case are reserved to the Perl
core, as are modules whose names are in all lower case. A subroutine
in all capitals is a loosely-held convention meaning it will be called
indirectly by the run-time system itself, usually due to a triggered
event. Subroutines whose name start with a left parenthesis are also
reserved the same way. The following is a list of some subroutines
that currently do special, pre-defined things.
documented later in this document
documented in perlmod
documented in perlobj
documented in PerlIO::via
documented in perlfunc
"import" , "unimport" , "INC"
documented in UNIVERSAL
documented in perldebguts
"DB::DB", "DB::sub", "DB::lsub", "DB::goto", "DB::postponed"
undocumented, used internally by the overload feature
any starting with "("
The "BEGIN", "UNITCHECK", "CHECK", "INIT" and "END" subroutines are not
so much subroutines as named special code blocks, of which you can have
more than one in a package, and which you can not call explicitly. See
Perl has a facility to allow a subroutine's formal parameters to be
declared by special syntax, separate from the procedural code of the
subroutine body. The formal parameter list is known as a signature.
This facility must be enabled before it can be used. It is enabled
automatically by a "use v5.36" (or higher) declaration, or more
directly by "use feature 'signatures'", in the current scope.
The signature is part of a subroutine's body. Normally the body of a
subroutine is simply a braced block of code, but when using a
signature, the signature is a parenthesised list that goes immediately
before the block, after any name or attributes.
For example,
sub foo :lvalue ($a, $b = 1, @c) { .... }
The signature declares lexical variables that are in scope for the
block. When the subroutine is called, the signature takes control
first. It populates the signature variables from the list of arguments
that were passed. If the argument list doesn't meet the requirements
of the signature, then it will throw an exception. When the signature
processing is complete, control passes to the block.
Positional parameters are handled by simply naming scalar variables in
the signature. For example,
sub foo ($left, $right) {
return $left + $right;
takes two positional parameters, which must be filled at runtime by two
arguments. By default the parameters are mandatory, and it is not
permitted to pass more arguments than expected. So the above is
equivalent to
An argument can be ignored by omitting the main part of the name from a
parameter declaration, leaving just a bare "$" sigil. For example,
sub foo ($first, $, $third) {
return "first=$first, third=$third";
Although the ignored argument doesn't go into a variable, it is still
mandatory for the caller to pass it.
A positional parameter is made optional by giving a default value,
separated from the parameter name by "=":
sub foo ($left, $right = 0) {
return $left + $right;
The above subroutine may be called with either one or two arguments.
The default value expression is evaluated when the subroutine is
called, so it may provide different default values for different calls.
It is only evaluated if the argument was actually omitted from the
call. For example,
my $auto_id = 0;
sub foo ($thing, $id = $auto_id++) {
print "$thing has ID $id";
automatically assigns distinct sequential IDs to things for which no ID
was supplied by the caller. A default value expression may also refer
to parameters earlier in the signature, making the default for one
parameter vary according to the earlier parameters. For example,
sub foo ($first_name, $surname, $nickname = $first_name) {
print "$first_name $surname is known as \"$nickname\"";
An optional parameter can be nameless just like a mandatory parameter.
For example,
sub foo ($thing, $ = 1) {
print $thing;
The parameter's default value will still be evaluated if the
corresponding argument isn't supplied, even though the value won't be
stored anywhere. This is in case evaluating it has important side
effects. However, it will be evaluated in void context, so if it
doesn't have side effects and is not trivial it will generate a warning
if the "void" warning category is enabled. If a nameless optional
parameter's default value is not important, it may be omitted just as
the parameter's name was:
sub foo ($thing, $=) {
print $thing;
After positional parameters, additional arguments may be captured in a
slurpy parameter. The simplest form of this is just an array variable:
sub foo ($filter, @inputs) {
print $filter->($_) foreach @inputs;
With a slurpy parameter in the signature, there is no upper limit on
how many arguments may be passed. A slurpy array parameter may be
nameless just like a positional parameter, in which case its only
effect is to turn off the argument limit that would otherwise apply:
sub foo ($thing, @) {
print $thing;
A slurpy parameter may instead be a hash, in which case the arguments
available to it are interpreted as alternating keys and values. There
must be as many keys as values: if there is an odd argument then an
exception will be thrown. Keys will be stringified, and if there are
duplicates then the later instance takes precedence over the earlier,
as with standard hash construction.
sub foo ($filter, %inputs) {
print $filter->($_, $inputs{$_}) foreach sort keys %inputs;
A slurpy hash parameter may be nameless just like other kinds of
parameter. It still insists that the number of arguments available to
it be even, even though they're not being put into a variable.
sub foo ($thing, %) {
print $thing;
A slurpy parameter, either array or hash, must be the last thing in the
signature. It may follow mandatory and optional positional parameters;
it may also be the only thing in the signature. Slurpy parameters
cannot have default values: if no arguments are supplied for them then
you get an empty array or empty hash.
A signature may be entirely empty, in which case all it does is check
that the caller passed no arguments:
sub foo () {
return 123;
Prior to Perl 5.36 these were considered experimental, and emitted a
warning in the "experimental::signatures" category. From Perl 5.36
onwards this no longer happens, though the warning category still
exists for back-compatibility with code that attempts to disable it
with a statement such as:
no warnings 'experimental::signatures';
In the current perl implementation, when using a signature the
arguments are still also available in the special array variable @_.
However, accessing them via this array is now discouraged, and should
print "Arguments are @_";
Use of @_ in join or string with signatured subroutine is
experimental at ...
There is a difference between the two ways of accessing the arguments:
@_ aliases the arguments, but the signature variables get copies of the
arguments. So writing to a signature variable only changes that
variable, and has no effect on the caller's variables, but writing to
an element of @_ modifies whatever the caller used to supply that
There is a potential syntactic ambiguity between signatures and
prototypes (see "Prototypes"), because both start with an opening
parenthesis and both can appear in some of the same places, such as
just after the name in a subroutine declaration. For historical
reasons, when signatures are not enabled, any opening parenthesis in
such a context will trigger very forgiving prototype parsing. Most
signatures will be interpreted as prototypes in those circumstances,
but won't be valid prototypes. (A valid prototype cannot contain any
alphabetic character.) This will lead to somewhat confusing error
To avoid ambiguity, when signatures are enabled the special syntax for
prototypes is disabled. There is no attempt to guess whether a
parenthesised group was intended to be a prototype or a signature. To
give a subroutine a prototype under these circumstances, use a
prototype attribute. For example,
sub foo :prototype($) { $_[0] }
It is entirely possible for a subroutine to have both a prototype and a
signature. They do different jobs: the prototype affects compilation
of calls to the subroutine, and the signature puts argument values into
lexical variables at runtime. You can therefore write
sub foo :prototype($$) ($left, $right) {
return $left + $right;
The prototype attribute, and any other attributes, must come before the
signature. The signature always immediately precedes the block of the
subroutine's body.
Private Variables via my()
my $foo; # declare $foo lexically local
my (@wid, %get); # declare list of variables local
my $foo = "flurp"; # declare $foo lexical, and init it
my @oof = @bar; # declare @oof lexical, and init it
my $x : Foo = $y; # similar, with an attribute applied
WARNING: The use of attribute lists on "my" declarations is still
evolving. The current semantics and interface are subject to change.
See attributes and Attribute::Handlers.
The "my" operator declares the listed variables to be lexically
"local" instead.
Unlike dynamic variables created by the "local" operator, lexical
variables declared with "my" are totally hidden from the outside world,
including any called subroutines. This is true if it's the same
subroutine called from itself or elsewhere--every call gets its own
This doesn't mean that a "my" variable declared in a statically
enclosing lexical scope would be invisible. Only dynamic scopes are
cut off. For example, the "bumpx()" function below has access to the
lexical $x variable because both the "my" and the "sub" occurred at the
same scope, presumably file scope.
my $x = 10;
sub bumpx { $x++ }
An "eval()", however, can see lexical variables of the scope it is
being evaluated in, so long as the names aren't hidden by declarations
within the "eval()" itself. See perlref.
The parameter list to my() may be assigned to if desired, which allows
you to initialize your variables. (If no initializer is given for a
particular variable, it is created with the undefined value.) Commonly
this is used to name input parameters to a subroutine. Examples:
$arg = "fred"; # "global" variable
$n = cube_root(27);
print "$arg thinks the root is $n\n";
fred thinks the root is 3
sub cube_root {
my $arg = shift; # name doesn't matter
$arg **= 1/3;
return $arg;
The "my" is simply a modifier on something you might assign to. So
when you do assign to variables in its argument list, "my" doesn't
change whether those variables are viewed as a scalar or an array. So
my ($foo) = <STDIN>; # WRONG?
my @FOO = <STDIN>;
both supply a list context to the right-hand side, while
my $foo = <STDIN>;
supplies a scalar context. But the following declares only one
my $foo, $bar = 1; # WRONG
That has the same effect as
my $foo;
$bar = 1;
The declared variable is not introduced (is not visible) until after
my $x = 123 and $x == 123
is false unless the old $x happened to have the value 123.
Lexical scopes of control structures are not bounded precisely by the
braces that delimit their controlled blocks; control expressions are
part of that scope, too. Thus in the loop
while (my $line = <>) {
$line = lc $line;
} continue {
print $line;
the scope of $line extends from its declaration throughout the rest of
the loop construct (including the "continue" clause), but not beyond
it. Similarly, in the conditional
if ((my $answer = <STDIN>) =~ /^yes$/i) {
} elsif ($answer =~ /^no$/i) {
} else {
chomp $answer;
die "'$answer' is neither 'yes' nor 'no'";
the scope of $answer extends from its declaration through the rest of
that conditional, including any "elsif" and "else" clauses, but not
beyond it. See "Simple Statements" in perlsyn for information on the
scope of variables in statements with modifiers.
The "foreach" loop defaults to scoping its index variable dynamically
in the manner of "local". However, if the index variable is prefixed
with the keyword "my", or if there is already a lexical by that name in
scope, then a new lexical is created instead. Thus in the loop
for my $i (1, 2, 3) {
the scope of $i extends to the end of the loop, but not beyond it,
rendering the value of $i inaccessible within "some_function()".
Some users may wish to encourage the use of lexically scoped variables.
As an aid to catching implicit uses to package variables, which are
always global, if you say
use strict 'vars';
then any variable mentioned from there to the end of the enclosing
block must either refer to a lexical variable, be predeclared via "our"
or "use vars", or else must be fully qualified with the package name.
A compilation error results otherwise. An inner block may countermand
this with "no strict 'vars'".
A "my" has both a compile-time and a run-time effect. At compile time,
the compiler takes notice of it. The principal usefulness of this is
to quiet "use strict 'vars'", but it is also essential for generation
my $pack::var; # ERROR! Illegal syntax
In fact, a dynamic variable (also known as package or global variables)
are still accessible using the fully qualified "::" notation even while
a lexical of the same name is also visible:
package main;
local $x = 10;
my $x = 20;
print "$x and $::x\n";
That will print out 20 and 10.
You may declare "my" variables at the outermost scope of a file to hide
any such identifiers from the world outside that file. This is similar
in spirit to C's static variables when they are used at the file level.
To do this with a subroutine requires the use of a closure (an
anonymous function that accesses enclosing lexicals). If you want to
create a private subroutine that cannot be called from outside that
block, it can declare a lexical variable containing an anonymous sub
my $secret_version = '1.001-beta';
my $secret_sub = sub { print $secret_version };
As long as the reference is never returned by any function within the
module, no outside module can see the subroutine, because its name is
not in any package's symbol table. Remember that it's not REALLY
called $some_pack::secret_version or anything; it's just
$secret_version, unqualified and unqualifiable.
This does not work with object methods, however; all object methods
have to be in the symbol table of some package to be found. See
"Function Templates" in perlref for something of a work-around to this.
Persistent Private Variables
There are two ways to build persistent private variables in Perl 5.10.
First, you can simply use the "state" feature. Or, you can use
closures, if you want to stay compatible with releases older than 5.10.
Persistent variables via ssttaattee(())
Beginning with Perl 5.10.0, you can declare variables with the "state"
keyword in place of "my". For that to work, though, you must have
enabled that feature beforehand, either by using the "feature" pragma,
or by using "-E" on one-liners (see feature). Beginning with Perl
5.16, the "CORE::state" form does not require the "feature" pragma.
The "state" keyword creates a lexical variable (following the same
scoping rules as "my") that persists from one subroutine call to the
next. If a state variable resides inside an anonymous subroutine, then
each copy of the subroutine has its own copy of the state variable.
However, the value of the state variable will still persist between
calls to the same copy of the anonymous subroutine. (Don't forget that
"sub { ... }" creates a new subroutine each time it is executed.)
use feature 'state';
sub create_counter {
return sub { state $x; return ++$x }
Also, since $x is lexical, it can't be reached or modified by any Perl
code outside.
When combined with variable declaration, simple assignment to "state"
variables (as in "state $x = 42") is executed only the first time.
When such statements are evaluated subsequent times, the assignment is
ignored. The behavior of assignment to "state" declarations where the
left hand side of the assignment involves any parentheses is currently
Persistent variables with closures
Just because a lexical variable is lexically (also called statically)
scoped to its enclosing block, "eval", or "do" FILE, this doesn't mean
that within a function it works like a C static. It normally works
more like a C auto, but with implicit garbage collection.
Unlike local variables in C or C++, Perl's lexical variables don't
necessarily get recycled just because their scope has exited. If
something more permanent is still aware of the lexical, it will stick
around. So long as something else references a lexical, that lexical
won't be freed--which is as it should be. You wouldn't want memory
being free until you were done using it, or kept around once you were
done. Automatic garbage collection takes care of this for you.
This means that you can pass back or save away references to lexical
variables, whereas to return a pointer to a C auto is a grave error.
It also gives us a way to simulate C's function statics. Here's a
mechanism for giving a function private variables with both lexical
scoping and a static lifetime. If you do want to create something like
C's static variables, just enclose the whole function in an extra
block, and put the static variable outside the function but in the
my $secret_val = 0;
sub gimme_another {
return ++$secret_val;
# $secret_val now becomes unreachable by the outside
# world, but retains its value between calls to gimme_another
If this function is being sourced in from a separate file via "require"
or "use", then this is probably just fine. If it's all in the main
program, you'll need to arrange for the "my" to be executed early,
either by putting the whole block above your main program, or more
likely, placing merely a "BEGIN" code block around it to make sure it
gets executed before your program starts to run:
my $secret_val = 0;
and "END".
If declared at the outermost scope (the file scope), then lexicals work
somewhat like C's file statics. They are available to all functions in
that same file declared below them, but are inaccessible from outside
that file. This strategy is sometimes used in modules to create
private variables that the whole module can see.
Temporary Values via local()
WARNING: In general, you should be using "my" instead of "local",
because it's faster and safer. Exceptions to this include the global
punctuation variables, global filehandles and formats, and direct
manipulation of the Perl symbol table itself. "local" is mostly used
when the current value of a variable must be visible to called
# localization of values
local $foo; # make $foo dynamically local
local (@wid, %get); # make list of variables local
local $foo = "flurp"; # make $foo dynamic, and init it
local @oof = @bar; # make @oof dynamic, and init it
local $hash{key} = "val"; # sets a local value for this hash entry
delete local $hash{key}; # delete this entry for the current block
local ($cond ? $v1 : $v2); # several types of lvalues support
# localization
# localization of symbols
local *FH; # localize $FH, @FH, %FH, &FH ...
local *merlyn = *randal; # now $merlyn is really $randal, plus
# @merlyn is really @randal, etc
local *merlyn = 'randal'; # SAME THING: promote 'randal' to *randal
local *merlyn = \$randal; # just alias $merlyn, not @merlyn etc
A "local" modifies its listed variables to be "local" to the enclosing
block, "eval", or "do FILE"--and to any subroutine called from within
that block. A "local" just gives temporary values to global (meaning
package) variables. It does not create a local variable. This is
known as dynamic scoping. Lexical scoping is done with "my", which
works more like C's auto declarations.
Some types of lvalues can be localized as well: hash and array elements
and slices, conditionals (provided that their result is always
localizable), and symbolic references. As for simple variables, this
creates new, dynamically scoped values.
If more than one variable or expression is given to "local", they must
be placed in parentheses. This operator works by saving the current
values of those variables in its argument list on a hidden stack and
restoring them upon exiting the block, subroutine, or eval. This means
that called subroutines can also reference the local variable, but not
the global one. The argument list may be assigned to if desired, which
allows you to initialize your local variables. (If no initializer is
given for a particular variable, it is created with an undefined
A "local" is simply a modifier on an lvalue expression. When you
assign to a "local"ized variable, the "local" doesn't change whether
its list is viewed as a scalar or an array. So
local($foo) = <STDIN>;
local @FOO = <STDIN>;
both supply a list context to the right-hand side, while
local $foo = <STDIN>;
supplies a scalar context.
Localization of special variables
If you localize a special variable, you'll be giving a new value to it,
but its magic won't go away. That means that all side-effects related
to this magic still work with the localized value.
This feature allows code like this to work :
# Read the whole contents of FILE in $slurp
{ local $/ = undef; $slurp = <FILE>; }
Note, however, that this restricts localization of some values ; for
example, the following statement dies, as of perl 5.10.0, with an error
Modification of a read-only value attempted, because the $1 variable is
magical and read-only :
local $1 = 2;
One exception is the default scalar variable: starting with perl 5.14
"local($_)" will always strip all magic from $_, to make it possible to
safely reuse $_ in a subroutine.
WARNING: Localization of tied arrays and hashes does not currently work
as described. This will be fixed in a future release of Perl; in the
meantime, avoid code that relies on any particular behavior of
localising tied arrays or hashes (localising individual elements is
still okay). See "Localising Tied Arrays and Hashes Is Broken" in
perl58delta for more details.
Localization of globs
The construct
local *name;
creates a whole new symbol table entry for the glob "name" in the
current package. That means that all variables in its glob slot
($name, @name, %name, &name, and the "name" filehandle) are dynamically
This implies, among other things, that any magic eventually carried by
those variables is locally lost. In other words, saying "local */"
will not have any effect on the internal value of the input record
Localization of elements of composite types
element was deleted while the "local()" was in effect (e.g. by a
"delete()" from a hash or a "shift()" of an array), it will spring back
into existence, possibly extending an array and filling in the skipped
elements with "undef". For instance, if you say
%hash = ( 'This' => 'is', 'a' => 'test' );
@ary = ( 0..5 );
local($ary[5]) = 6;
local($hash{'a'}) = 'drill';
while (my $e = pop(@ary)) {
print "$e . . .\n";
last unless $e > 3;
if (@ary) {
$hash{'only a'} = 'test';
delete $hash{'a'};
print join(' ', map { "$_ $hash{$_}" } sort keys %hash),".\n";
print "The array has ",scalar(@ary)," elements: ",
join(', ', map { defined $_ ? $_ : 'undef' } @ary),"\n";
Perl will print
6 . . .
4 . . .
3 . . .
This is a test only a test.
The array has 6 elements: 0, 1, 2, undef, undef, 5
The behavior of local() on non-existent members of composite types is
subject to change in future. The behavior of local() on array elements
specified using negative indexes is particularly surprising, and is
very likely to change.
Localized deletion of elements of composite types
You can use the "delete local $array[$idx]" and "delete local
$hash{key}" constructs to delete a composite type entry for the current
block and restore it when it ends. They return the array/hash value
before the localization, which means that they are respectively
equivalent to
do {
my $val = $array[$idx];
local $array[$idx];
delete $array[$idx];
do {
my $val = $hash{key};
local $hash{key};
delete $hash{key};
my $a = delete local $hash{a};
# $a is [ 7, 8, 9 ]
# %hash is (b => 1)
my @nums = delete local @$a[0, 2]
# @nums is (7, 9)
# $a is [ undef, 8 ]
$a[0] = 999; # will be erased when the scope ends
# $a is back to [ 7, 8, 9 ]
# %hash is back to its original state
This construct is supported since Perl v5.12.
Lvalue subroutines
It is possible to return a modifiable value from a subroutine. To do
this, you have to declare the subroutine to return an lvalue.
my $val;
sub canmod : lvalue {
$val; # or: return $val;
sub nomod {
canmod() = 5; # assigns to $val
nomod() = 5; # ERROR
The scalar/list context for the subroutine and for the right-hand side
of assignment is determined as if the subroutine call is replaced by a
scalar. For example, consider:
data(2,3) = get_data(3,4);
Both subroutines here are called in a scalar context, while in:
(data(2,3)) = get_data(3,4);
and in:
(data(2),data(3)) = get_data(3,4);
all the subroutines are called in a list context.
Lvalue subroutines are convenient, but you have to keep in mind that,
when used with objects, they may violate encapsulation. A normal
mutator can check the supplied argument before setting the attribute it
is protecting, an lvalue subroutine cannot. If you require any special
processing when storing and retrieving the values, consider using the
CPAN module Sentinel or something similar.
They also produced a warning unless the "experimental::lexical_subs"
warnings category was disabled.
These subroutines are only visible within the block in which they are
declared, and only after that declaration:
# Include these two lines if your code is intended to run under Perl
# versions earlier than 5.26.
no warnings "experimental::lexical_subs";
use feature 'lexical_subs';
foo(); # calls the package/global subroutine
state sub foo {
foo(); # also calls the package subroutine
foo(); # calls "state" sub
my $ref = \&foo; # take a reference to "state" sub
my sub bar { ... }
bar(); # calls "my" sub
You can't (directly) write a recursive lexical subroutine:
my sub baz {
This example fails because "baz()" refers to the package/global
subroutine "baz", not the lexical subroutine currently being defined.
The solution is to use "__SUB__":
my sub baz {
__SUB__->(); # calls itself
It is possible to predeclare a lexical subroutine. The "sub foo {...}"
subroutine definition syntax respects any previous "my sub;" or "state
sub;" declaration. Using this to define recursive subroutines is a bad
idea, however:
my sub baz; # predeclaration
sub baz { # define the "my" sub
baz(); # WRONG: calls itself, but leaks memory
Just like "my $f; $f = sub { $f->() }", this example leaks memory. The
name "baz" is a reference to the subroutine, and the subroutine uses
the name "baz"; they keep each other alive (see "Circular References"
in perlref).
"state sub" vs "my sub"
What is the difference between "state" subs and "my" subs? Each time
that execution enters a block when "my" subs are declared, a new copy
of each sub is created. "State" subroutines persist from one execution
of the containing block to the next.
In this example, a new $x is created when "whatever" is called, and
also a new "inner", which can see the new $x. A "state" sub will only
see the $x from the first call to "whatever".
"our" subroutines
Like "our $variable", "our sub" creates a lexical alias to the package
subroutine of the same name.
The two main uses for this are to switch back to using the package sub
inside an inner scope:
sub foo { ... }
sub bar {
my sub foo { ... }
# need to use the outer foo here
our sub foo;
and to make a subroutine visible to other packages in the same scope:
package MySneakyModule;
our sub do_something { ... }
sub do_something_with_caller {
package DB;
() = caller 1; # sets @DB::args
do_something(@args); # uses MySneakyModule::do_something
Passing Symbol Table Entries (typeglobs)
WARNING: The mechanism described in this section was originally the
only way to simulate pass-by-reference in older versions of Perl.
While it still works fine in modern versions, the new reference
mechanism is generally easier to work with. See below.
Sometimes you don't want to pass the value of an array to a subroutine
but rather the name of it, so that the subroutine can modify the global
copy of it rather than working with a local copy. In perl you can
refer to all objects of a particular name by prefixing the name with a
star: *foo. This is often known as a "typeglob", because the star on
the front can be thought of as a wildcard match for all the funny
prefix characters on variables and subroutines and such.
When evaluated, the typeglob produces a scalar value that represents
all the objects of that name, including any filehandle, format, or
subroutine. When assigned to, it causes the name mentioned to refer to
whatever "*" value was assigned to it. Example:
sub doubleary {
Scalars are already passed by reference, so you can modify scalar
arguments without using this mechanism by referring explicitly to $_[0]
etc. You can modify all the elements of an array by passing all the
elements as scalars, but you have to use the "*" mechanism (or the
equivalent reference mechanism) to "push", "pop", or change the size of
an array. It will certainly be faster to pass the typeglob (or
Even if you don't want to modify an array, this mechanism is useful for
passing multiple arrays in a single LIST, because normally the LIST
mechanism will merge all the array values so that you can't extract out
the individual arrays. For more on typeglobs, see "Typeglobs and
Filehandles" in perldata.
When to Still Use local()
Despite the existence of "my", there are still three places where the
"local" operator still shines. In fact, in these three places, you
must use "local" instead of "my".
1. You need to give a global variable a temporary value, especially
The global variables, like @ARGV or the punctuation variables, must
be "local"ized with "local()". This block reads in /etc/motd, and
splits it up into chunks separated by lines of equal signs, which
are placed in @Fields.
local @ARGV = ("/etc/motd");
local $/ = undef;
local $_ = <>;
@Fields = split /^\s*=+\s*$/;
It particular, it's important to "local"ize $_ in any routine that
assigns to it. Look out for implicit assignments in "while"
2. You need to create a local file or directory handle or a local
A function that needs a filehandle of its own must use "local()" on
a complete typeglob. This can be used to create new symbol table
sub ioqueue {
local (*READER, *WRITER); # not my!
pipe (READER, WRITER) or die "pipe: $!";
return (*READER, *WRITER);
($head, $tail) = ioqueue();
See the Symbol module for a way to create anonymous symbol table
Because assignment of a reference to a typeglob creates an alias,
this can be used to create what is effectively a local function, or
at least, a local alias.
See "Function Templates" in perlref for more about manipulating
functions by name in this way.
3. You want to temporarily change just one element of an array or
You can "local"ize just one element of an aggregate. Usually this
is done on dynamics:
local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
funct(); # uninterruptible
# interruptibility automatically restored here
But it also works on lexically declared aggregates.
Pass by Reference
If you want to pass more than one array or hash into a function--or
return them from it--and have them maintain their integrity, then
you're going to have to use an explicit pass-by-reference. Before you
do that, you need to understand references as detailed in perlref.
This section may not make much sense to you otherwise.
Here are a few simple examples. First, let's pass in several arrays to
a function and have it "pop" all of then, returning a new list of all
their former last elements:
@tailings = popmany ( \@a, \@b, \@c, \@d );
sub popmany {
my $aref;
my @retlist;
foreach $aref ( @_ ) {
push @retlist, pop @$aref;
return @retlist;
Here's how you might write a function that returns a list of keys
occurring in all the hashes passed to it:
@common = inter( \%foo, \%bar, \%joe );
sub inter {
my ($k, $href, %seen); # locals
foreach $href (@_) {
while ( $k = each %$href ) {
return grep { $seen{$_} == @_ } keys %seen;
So far, we're using just the normal list return mechanism. What
happens if you want to pass or return a hash? Well, if you're using
only one of them, or you don't mind them concatenating, then the normal
calling convention is ok, although a little expensive.
or %b. Plus the function didn't get passed into two separate arrays or
hashes: it got one long list in @_, as always.
If you can arrange for everyone to deal with this through references,
it's cleaner code, although not so nice to look at. Here's a function
that takes two array references as arguments, returning the two array
elements in order of how many elements they have in them:
($aref, $bref) = func(\@c, \@d);
print "@$aref has more than @$bref\n";
sub func {
my ($cref, $dref) = @_;
if (@$cref > @$dref) {
return ($cref, $dref);
} else {
return ($dref, $cref);
It turns out that you can actually do this also:
(*a, *b) = func(\@c, \@d);
print "@a has more than @b\n";
sub func {
local (*c, *d) = @_;
if (@c > @d) {
return (\@c, \@d);
} else {
return (\@d, \@c);
Here we're using the typeglobs to do symbol table aliasing. It's a tad
subtle, though, and also won't work if you're using "my" variables,
because only globals (even in disguise as "local"s) are in the symbol
If you're passing around filehandles, you could usually just use the
bare typeglob, like *STDOUT, but typeglobs references work, too. For
sub splutter {
my $fh = shift;
print $fh "her um well a hmmm\n";
$rec = get_rec(\*STDIN);
sub get_rec {
my $fh = shift;
return scalar <$fh>;
If you're planning on generating new filehandles, you could do this.
Notice to pass back just the bare *FH, not its reference.
sub openit {
my $path = shift;
local *FH;
sub mypush (\@@)
sub mypush :prototype(\@@)
then "mypush()" takes arguments exactly like "push()" does.
If subroutine signatures are enabled (see "Signatures"), then the
shorter PROTO syntax is unavailable, because it would clash with
signatures. In that case, a prototype can only be declared in the form
of an attribute.
The function declaration must be visible at compile time. The
prototype affects only interpretation of new-style calls to the
function, where new-style is defined as not using the "&" character.
In other words, if you call it like a built-in function, then it
behaves like a built-in function. If you call it like an old-fashioned
subroutine, then it behaves like an old-fashioned subroutine. It
naturally falls out from this rule that prototypes have no influence on
subroutine references like "\&foo" or on indirect subroutine calls like
"&{$subref}" or "$subref->()".
Method calls are not influenced by prototypes either, because the
function to be called is indeterminate at compile time, since the exact
code called depends on inheritance.
Because the intent of this feature is primarily to let you define
subroutines that work like built-in functions, here are prototypes for
some other functions that parse almost exactly like the corresponding
Declared as Called as
sub mylink ($$) mylink $old, $new
sub myvec ($$$) myvec $var, $offset, 1
sub myindex ($$;$) myindex &getstring, "substr"
sub mysyswrite ($$$;$) mysyswrite $buf, 0, length($buf) - $off, $off
sub myreverse (@) myreverse $a, $b, $c
sub myjoin ($@) myjoin ":", $a, $b, $c
sub mypop (\@) mypop @array
sub mysplice (\@$$@) mysplice @array, 0, 2, @pushme
sub mykeys (\[%@]) mykeys $hashref->%*
sub myopen (*;$) myopen HANDLE, $name
sub mypipe (**) mypipe READHANDLE, WRITEHANDLE
sub mygrep (&@) mygrep { /foo/ } $a, $b, $c
sub myrand (;$) myrand 42
sub mytime () mytime
Any backslashed prototype character represents an actual argument that
must start with that character (optionally preceded by "my", "our" or
"local"), with the exception of "$", which will accept any scalar
lvalue expression, such as "$foo = 7" or "my_function()->[0]". The
value passed as part of @_ will be a reference to the actual argument
given in the subroutine call, obtained by applying "\" to that
You can use the "\[]" backslash group notation to specify more than one
allowed argument type. For example:
sub myref (\[$@%&*])
myref *glob
and the first argument of myref() will be a reference to a scalar, an
array, a hash, a code, or a glob.
Unbackslashed prototype characters have special meanings. Any
unbackslashed "@" or "%" eats all remaining arguments, and forces list
context. An argument represented by "$" forces scalar context. An "&"
requires an anonymous subroutine, which, if passed as the first
argument, does not require the "sub" keyword or a subsequent comma.
A "*" allows the subroutine to accept a bareword, constant, scalar
expression, typeglob, or a reference to a typeglob in that slot. The
value will be available to the subroutine either as a simple scalar, or
(in the latter two cases) as a reference to the typeglob. If you wish
to always convert such arguments to a typeglob reference, use
Symbol::qualify_to_ref() as follows:
use Symbol 'qualify_to_ref';
sub foo (*) {
my $fh = qualify_to_ref(shift, caller);
The "+" prototype is a special alternative to "$" that will act like
"\[@%]" when given a literal array or hash variable, but will otherwise
force scalar context on the argument. This is useful for functions
which should accept either a literal array or an array reference as the
sub mypush (+@) {
my $aref = shift;
die "Not an array or arrayref" unless ref $aref eq 'ARRAY';
push @$aref, @_;
When using the "+" prototype, your function must check that the
argument is of an acceptable type.
A semicolon (";") separates mandatory arguments from optional
arguments. It is redundant before "@" or "%", which gobble up
everything else.
As the last character of a prototype, or just before a semicolon, a "@"
or a "%", you can use "_" in place of "$": if this argument is not
provided, $_ will be used instead.
Note how the last three examples in the table above are treated
specially by the parser. "mygrep()" is parsed as a true list operator,
"myrand()" is parsed as a true unary operator with unary precedence the
same as "rand()", and "mytime()" is truly without arguments, just like
"time()". That is, if you say
mytime +2;
you'll get "mytime() + 2", not mytime(2), which is how it would be
parsed without a prototype. If you want to force a unary function to
have the same precedence as a list operator, add ";" to the end of the
sub try (&@) {
my($try,$catch) = @_;
eval { &$try };
if ($@) {
local $_ = $@;
sub catch (&) { $_[0] }
try {
die "phooey";
} catch {
/phooey/ and print "unphooey\n";
That prints "unphooey". (Yes, there are still unresolved issues having
to do with visibility of @_. I'm ignoring that question for the
moment. (But note that if we make @_ lexically scoped, those anonymous
subroutines can act like closures... (Gee, is this sounding a little
Lispish? (Never mind.))))
And here's a reimplementation of the Perl "grep" operator:
sub mygrep (&@) {
my $code = shift;
my @result;
foreach $_ (@_) {
push(@result, $_) if &$code;
Some folks would prefer full alphanumeric prototypes. Alphanumerics
have been intentionally left out of prototypes for the express purpose
of someday in the future adding named, formal parameters. The current
mechanism's main goal is to let module writers provide better
diagnostics for module users. Larry feels the notation quite
understandable to Perl programmers, and that it will not intrude
greatly upon the meat of the module, nor make it harder to read. The
line noise is visually encapsulated into a small pill that's easy to
If you try to use an alphanumeric sequence in a prototype you will
generate an optional warning - "Illegal character in prototype...".
Unfortunately earlier versions of Perl allowed the prototype to be used
as long as its prefix was a valid prototype. The warning may be
upgraded to a fatal error in a future version of Perl once the majority
of offending code is fixed.
It's probably best to prototype new functions, not retrofit prototyping
into older ones. That's because you must be especially careful about
silent impositions of differing list versus scalar contexts. For
example, if you decide that a function should take just one parameter,
like this:
sub func ($) {
my $n = shift;
func( $text =~ /\w+/g );
Then you've just supplied an automatic "scalar" in front of their
argument, which can be more than a bit surprising. The old @foo which
used to hold one thing doesn't get passed in. Instead, "func()" now
gets passed in a 1; that is, the number of elements in @foo. And the
"m//g" gets called in scalar context so instead of a list of words it
returns a boolean result and advances "pos($text)". Ouch!
If a sub has both a PROTO and a BLOCK, the prototype is not applied
until after the BLOCK is completely defined. This means that a
recursive function with a prototype has to be predeclared for the
prototype to take effect, like so:
sub foo($$);
sub foo($$) {
foo 1, 2;
This is all very powerful, of course, and should be used only in
moderation to make the world a better place.
Constant Functions
Functions with a prototype of "()" are potential candidates for
inlining. If the result after optimization and constant folding is
either a constant or a lexically-scoped scalar which has no other
references, then it will be used in place of function calls made
without "&". Calls made using "&" are never inlined. (See constant
for an easy way to declare most constants.)
The following functions would all be inlined:
sub pi () { 3.14159 } # Not exact, but close.
sub PI () { 4 * atan2 1, 1 } # As good as it gets,
# and it's inlined, too!
sub ST_DEV () { 0 }
sub ST_INO () { 1 }
sub FLAG_FOO () { 1 << 8 }
sub FLAG_BAR () { 1 << 9 }
sub OPT_BAZ () { not (0x1B58 & FLAG_MASK) }
sub N () { int(OPT_BAZ) / 3 }
sub FOO_SET () { 1 if FLAG_MASK & FLAG_FOO }
sub FOO_SET2 () { if (FLAG_MASK & FLAG_FOO) { 1 } }
(Be aware that the last example was not always inlined in Perl 5.20 and
earlier, which did not behave consistently with subroutines containing
inner scopes.) You can countermand inlining by using an explicit
sub baz_val () {
if (OPT_BAZ) {
return 23;
else {
has no other references. Only the first example here will be inlined:
my $var = 1;
no strict 'refs';
*INLINED = sub () { $var };
my $var = 1;
my $ref = \$var;
no strict 'refs';
*NOT_INLINED = sub () { $var };
A not so obvious caveat with this (see [RT #79908]) is what happens if
the variable is potentially modifiable. For example:
my $x = 10;
*FOO = sub () { $x };
print FOO(); # printed 10 prior to 5.32.0
From Perl 5.22 onwards this gave a deprecation warning, and from Perl
5.32 onwards it became a run-time error. Previously the variable was
immediately inlined, and stopped behaving like a normal lexical
variable; so it printed 10, not 11.
If you still want such a subroutine to be inlined (with no warning),
make sure the variable is not used in a context where it could be
modified aside from where it is declared.
# Fine, no warning
my $x = 54321;
*INLINED = sub () { $x };
# Error
my $x;
$x = 54321;
*ALSO_INLINED = sub () { $x };
Perl 5.22 also introduces the experimental "const" attribute as an
alternative. (Disable the "experimental::const_attr" warnings if you
want to use it.) When applied to an anonymous subroutine, it forces
the sub to be called when the "sub" expression is evaluated. The
return value is captured and turned into a constant subroutine:
my $x = 54321;
*INLINED = sub : const { $x };
The return value of "INLINED" in this example will always be 54321,
regardless of later modifications to $x. You can also put any
arbitrary code inside the sub, at it will be executed immediately and
my $x = 10;
*FOO = sub () { return $x };
print FOO(); # prints 11
The easiest way to tell if a subroutine was inlined is by using
B::Deparse. Consider this example of two subroutines returning 1, one
with a "()" prototype causing it to be inlined, and one without (with
deparse output truncated for clarity):
$ perl -MO=Deparse -le 'sub ONE { 1 } if (ONE) { print ONE if ONE }'
sub ONE {
if (ONE ) {
print ONE() if ONE ;
$ perl -MO=Deparse -le 'sub ONE () { 1 } if (ONE) { print ONE if ONE }'
sub ONE () { 1 }
do {
print 1
If you redefine a subroutine that was eligible for inlining, you'll get
a warning by default. You can use this warning to tell whether or not
a particular subroutine is considered inlinable, since it's different
than the warning for overriding non-inlined subroutines:
$ perl -e 'sub one () {1} sub one () {2}'
Constant subroutine one redefined at -e line 1.
$ perl -we 'sub one {1} sub one {2}'
Subroutine one redefined at -e line 1.
The warning is considered severe enough not to be affected by the -w
switch (or its absence) because previously compiled invocations of the
function will still be using the old value of the function. If you
need to be able to redefine the subroutine, you need to ensure that it
isn't inlined, either by dropping the "()" prototype (which changes
calling semantics, so beware) or by thwarting the inlining mechanism in
some other way, e.g. by adding an explicit "return", as mentioned
sub not_inlined () { return 23 }
Overriding Built-in Functions
Many built-in functions may be overridden, though this should be tried
only occasionally and for good reason. Typically this might be done by
a package attempting to emulate missing built-in functionality on a
non-Unix system.
Overriding may be done only by importing the name from a module at
compile time--ordinary predeclaration isn't good enough. However, the
"use subs" pragma lets you, in effect, predeclare subs via the import
syntax, and these names may then override built-in ones:
use subs 'chdir', 'chroot', 'chmod', 'chown';
chdir $somewhere;
isn't: the CORE:: prefix in that case is part of Perl's syntax, and
works for any keyword, regardless of what is in the CORE package.
Taking a reference to it, that is, "\&CORE::open", only works for some
keywords. See CORE.
Library modules should not in general export built-in names like "open"
or "chdir" as part of their default @EXPORT list, because these may
sneak into someone else's namespace and change the semantics
unexpectedly. Instead, if the module adds that name to @EXPORT_OK,
then it's possible for a user to import the name explicitly, but not
implicitly. That is, they could say
use Module 'open';
and it would import the "open" override. But if they said
use Module;
they would get the default imports without overrides.
The foregoing mechanism for overriding built-in is restricted, quite
deliberately, to the package that requests the import. There is a
second method that is sometimes applicable when you wish to override a
built-in everywhere, without regard to namespace boundaries. This is
achieved by importing a sub into the special namespace
"CORE::GLOBAL::". Here is an example that quite brazenly replaces the
"glob" operator with something that understands regular expressions.
package REGlob;
require Exporter;
@ISA = 'Exporter';
@EXPORT_OK = 'glob';
sub import {
my $pkg = shift;
return unless @_;
my $sym = shift;
my $where = ($sym =~ s/^GLOBAL_// ? 'CORE::GLOBAL' : caller(0));
$pkg->export($where, $sym, @_);
sub glob {
my $pat = shift;
my @got;
if (opendir my $d, '.') {
@got = grep /$pat/, readdir $d;
closedir $d;
return @got;
And here's how it could be (ab)used:
#use REGlob 'GLOBAL_glob'; # override glob() in ALL namespaces
package Foo;
use REGlob 'glob'; # override glob() in Foo:: only
print for <^[a-z_]+\.pm\$>; # show all pragmatic modules
The "REGlob" example above does not implement all the support needed to
cleanly override perl's "glob" operator. The built-in "glob" has
different behaviors depending on whether it appears in a scalar or list
context, but our "REGlob" doesn't. Indeed, many perl built-in have
such context sensitive behaviors, and these must be adequately
supported by a properly written override. For a fully functional
example of overriding "glob", study the implementation of
"File::DosGlob" in the standard library.
When you override a built-in, your replacement should be consistent (if
possible) with the built-in native syntax. You can achieve this by
using a suitable prototype. To get the prototype of an overridable
built-in, use the "prototype" function with an argument of
"CORE::builtin_name" (see "prototype" in perlfunc).
Note however that some built-ins can't have their syntax expressed by a
prototype (such as "system" or "chomp"). If you override them you
won't be able to fully mimic their original syntax.
The built-ins "do", "require" and "glob" can also be overridden, but
due to special magic, their original syntax is preserved, and you don't
have to define a prototype for their replacements. (You can't override
the "do BLOCK" syntax, though).
"require" has special additional dark magic: if you invoke your
"require" replacement as "require Foo::Bar", it will actually receive
the argument "Foo/" in @_. See "require" in perlfunc.
And, as you'll have noticed from the previous example, if you override
"glob", the "<*>" glob operator is overridden as well.
In a similar fashion, overriding the "readline" function also overrides
the equivalent I/O operator "<FILEHANDLE>". Also, overriding
"readpipe" also overrides the operators "``" and "qx//".
Finally, some built-ins (e.g. "exists" or "grep") can't be overridden.
If you call a subroutine that is undefined, you would ordinarily get an
immediate, fatal error complaining that the subroutine doesn't exist.
(Likewise for subroutines being used as methods, when the method
doesn't exist in any base class of the class's package.) However, if
an "AUTOLOAD" subroutine is defined in the package or packages used to
locate the original subroutine, then that "AUTOLOAD" subroutine is
called with the arguments that would have been passed to the original
subroutine. The fully qualified name of the original subroutine
magically appears in the global $AUTOLOAD variable of the same package
as the "AUTOLOAD" routine. The name is not passed as an ordinary
argument because, er, well, just because, that's why. (As an
exception, a method call to a nonexistent "import" or "unimport" method
is just skipped instead. Also, if the AUTOLOAD subroutine is an XSUB,
there are other ways to retrieve the subroutine name. See "Autoloading
with XSUBs" in perlguts for details.)
Many "AUTOLOAD" routines load in a definition for the requested
subroutine using eval(), then execute that subroutine using a special
form of goto() that erases the stack frame of the "AUTOLOAD" routine
without a trace. (See the source to the standard module documented in
AutoLoader, for example.) But an "AUTOLOAD" routine can also just
$program =~ s/.*:://;
system($program, @_);
In fact, if you predeclare functions you want to call that way, you
don't even need parentheses:
use subs qw(date who ls);
ls '-l';
A more complete example of this is the Shell module on CPAN, which can
treat undefined subroutine calls as calls to external programs.
Mechanisms are available to help modules writers split their modules
into autoloadable files. See the standard AutoLoader module described
in AutoLoader and in AutoSplit, the standard SelfLoader modules in
SelfLoader, and the document on adding C functions to Perl code in
Subroutine Attributes
A subroutine declaration or definition may have a list of attributes
associated with it. If such an attribute list is present, it is broken
up at space or colon boundaries and treated as though a "use
attributes" had been seen. See attributes for details about what
attributes are currently supported. Unlike the limitation with the
obsolescent "use attrs", the "sub : ATTRLIST" syntax works to associate
the attributes with a pre-declaration, and not just with a subroutine
The attributes must be valid as simple identifier names (without any
punctuation other than the '_' character). They may have a parameter
list appended, which is only checked for whether its parentheses
('(',')') nest properly.
Examples of valid syntax (even though the attributes are unknown):
sub fnord (&\%) : switch(10,foo(7,3)) : expensive;
sub plugh () : Ugly('\(") :Bad;
sub xyzzy : _5x5 { ... }
Examples of invalid syntax:
sub fnord : switch(10,foo(); # ()-string not balanced
sub snoid : Ugly('('); # ()-string not balanced
sub xyzzy : 5x5; # "5x5" not a valid identifier
sub plugh : Y2::north; # "Y2::north" not a simple identifier
sub snurt : foo + bar; # "+" not a colon or space
The attribute list is passed as a list of constant strings to the code
which associates them with the subroutine. In particular, the second
example of valid syntax above currently looks like this in terms of how
it's parsed and invoked:
use attributes __PACKAGE__, \&plugh, q[Ugly('\(")], 'Bad';
subroutines from Perl. See perlembed if you'd like to learn about
calling Perl subroutines from C. See perlmod to learn about bundling
up your functions in separate files. See perlmodlib to learn what
library modules come standard on your system. See perlootut to learn
how to make object method calls.
perl v5.36.3 2023-11-28 PERLSUB(1)