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PF2AFM(1) Ghostscript PF2AFM(1)
NAME pf2afm - Make an AFM file from Postscript (PFB/PFA/PFM) font files using ghostscript
SYNOPSIS pf2afm fontfilename
DESCRIPTION This script invokes gs(1) to make an AFM file from PFB / PFA and (optionally) PFM files. Output goes to fontfilename.afm, which must not already exist.
SEE ALSO gs(1) in the Ghostscript lib directory.
VERSION This document was last revised for Ghostscript version 9.56.1.
AUTHOR Artifex Software, Inc. are the primary maintainers of Ghostscript. This manpage by George Ferguson.
9.56.1 4 April 2022 PF2AFM(1)