FreeBSD manual

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PIPEWIRE(1) General Commands Manual PIPEWIRE(1)
NAME pipewire - The PipeWire media server
SYNOPSIS pipewire [options]

DESCRIPTION PipeWire is a service that facilitates sharing of multimedia content between devices and applications.
The pipewire daemon reads a config file that is further documented in pipewire.conf(5) manual page.
-h | --help Show help.
-v | --verbose Increase the verbosity by one level. This option may be specified multiple times.
--version Show version information.
-c | --config=FILE Load the given config file (Default: pipewire.conf).
AUTHORS The PipeWire Developers <>; PipeWire is available from
SEE ALSO pw-top(1), pw-dump(1), pw-mon(1), pw-cat(1), pw-cli(1),