FreeBSD manual

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XDG-OPEN(1) FreeBSD General Commands Manual XDG-OPEN(1)
NAME xdg-open - opens a file or URL in the user's preferred application
SYNOPSIS xdg-open file | URL xdg-open --help | --manual | --version
DESCRIPTION xdg-open opens a file or URL in the user's preferred application. If a URL is provided the URL will be opened in the user's preferred web browser. If a file is provided the file will be opened in the preferred application for files of that type. xdg-open supports file, ftp, http and https URLs.
xdg-open is for use inside a desktop session only. It is not recommended to use xdg-open as root.
OPTIONS --help Show command synopsis.
--manual Show this manual page.
--version Show the xdg-utils version information.
EXIT CODES An exit code of 0 indicates success while a non-zero exit code indicates failure. The following failure codes can be returned:
-1 Error in command line syntax.
-2 One of the files passed on the command line did not exist.
-3 A required tool could not be found.
-4 The action failed.
SEE ALSO xdg-mime(1), xdg-settings(1), MIME applications associations specification:
EXAMPLES xdg-open ''
Opens the website in the user's default browser.
xdg-open /tmp/foobar.png
Opens the PNG image file /tmp/foobar.png in the user's default image viewing application.
AUTHORS xdg-open Manual
Copyright (C) 2006 Kevin Krammer <> Jeremy White