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AIO_SUSPEND(2) FreeBSD System Calls Manual AIO_SUSPEND(2)
NAME aio_suspend - suspend until asynchronous I/O operations or timeout complete (REALTIME)
LIBRARY Standard C Library (libc, -lc)
SYNOPSIS #include <aio.h>
int aio_suspend(const struct aiocb *const iocbs[], int niocb, const struct timespec *timeout);
DESCRIPTION The aio_suspend() system call suspends the calling process until at least one of the specified asynchronous I/O requests have completed, a signal is delivered, or the timeout has passed.
The iocbs argument is an array of niocb pointers to asynchronous I/O requests. Array members containing null pointers will be silently ignored.
If timeout is not a null pointer, it specifies a maximum interval to suspend. If timeout is a null pointer, the suspend blocks indefinitely. To effect a poll, the timeout should point to a zero-value timespec structure.
RETURN VALUES If one or more of the specified asynchronous I/O requests have completed, aio_suspend() returns 0. Otherwise it returns -1 and sets errno to indicate the error, as enumerated below.
ERRORS The aio_suspend() system call will fail if:
[EAGAIN] the timeout expired before any I/O requests completed.
[EINVAL] The iocbs argument contains more asynchronous I/O requests than the vfs.aio.max_aio_queue_per_proc sysctl(8) variable, or at least one of the requests is not valid.
[EINTR] the suspend was interrupted by a signal.
SEE ALSO aio_cancel(2), aio_error(2), aio_return(2), aio_waitcomplete(2), aio_write(2), aio(4)
STANDARDS The aio_suspend() system call is expected to conform to the IEEE Std 1003.1 ("POSIX.1") standard.
HISTORY The aio_suspend() system call first appeared in FreeBSD 3.0.