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BIO_S_CORE(3ossl) OpenSSL BIO_S_CORE(3ossl)

NAME BIO_s_core, BIO_new_from_core_bio - OSSL_CORE_BIO functions
SYNOPSIS #include <openssl/bio.h>
const BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_core(void);
BIO *BIO_new_from_core_bio(OSSL_LIB_CTX *libctx, OSSL_CORE_BIO *corebio);
DESCRIPTION BIO_s_core() returns the core BIO method function.
A core BIO is treated as source/sink BIO which communicates to some external BIO. This is primarily useful to provider authors. A number of calls from libcrypto into a provider supply an OSSL_CORE_BIO parameter. This represents a BIO within libcrypto, but cannot be used directly by a provider. Instead it should be wrapped using a BIO_s_core().
Once a BIO is constructed based on BIO_s_core(), the associated OSSL_CORE_BIO object should be set on it using BIO_set_data(3). Note that the BIO will only operate correctly if it is associated with a library context constructed using OSSL_LIB_CTX_new_from_dispatch(3). To associate the BIO with a library context construct it using BIO_new_ex(3).
BIO_new_from_core_bio() is a convenience function that constructs a new BIO based on BIO_s_core() and that is associated with the given library context. It then also sets the OSSL_CORE_BIO object on the BIO using BIO_set_data(3).
RETURN VALUES BIO_s_core() return a core BIO BIO_METHOD structure.
BIO_new_from_core_bio() returns a BIO structure on success or NULL on failure. A failure will most commonly be because the library context was not constructed using OSSL_LIB_CTX_new_from_dispatch(3).
HISTORY BIO_s_core() and BIO_new_from_core_bio() were added in OpenSSL 3.0.
EXAMPLES Create a core BIO and write some data to it:
int some_function(OSSL_LIB_CTX *libctx, OSSL_CORE_BIO *corebio) { BIO *cbio = BIO_new_from_core_bio(libctx, corebio);
if (cbio == NULL) return 0;
BIO_puts(cbio, "Hello World\n");
BIO_free(cbio); return 1; }

3.0.11 2023-09-19 BIO_S_CORE(3ossl)