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NAME TIFFFlush, TIFFFlushData - flush pending writes to an open TIFF file
SYNOPSIS #include <tiffio.h>
int TIFFFlush(TIFF *tif) int TIFFFlushData(TIFF *tif)
DESCRIPTION TIFFFlush causes any pending writes for the specified file (including writes for the current directory) to be done. In normal operation this call is never needed - the library automatically does any flushing required.
TIFFFlushData flushes any pending image data for the specified file to be written out; directory-related data are not flushed. In normal operation this call is never needed - the library automatically does any flushing required.
RETURN VALUES 0 is returned if an error is encountered, otherwise 1 is returned.
DIAGNOSTICS All error messages are directed to the TIFFError(3TIFF) routine.
SEE ALSO TIFFOpen(3TIFF), TIFFWriteEncodedStrip(3TIFF), TIFFWriteEncodedTile(3TIFF), TIFFWriteRawStrip(3TIFF), TIFFWriteRawTile(3TIFF), TIFFWriteScanline(3TIFF), TIFFWriteTile(3TIFF) libtiff(3TIFF),
Libtiff library home page:
libtiff December 16, 1991 TIFFFlush(3TIFF)