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XQueryExtension(3) X FUNCTIONS XQueryExtension(3)
XQueryExtension, XListExtensions, XFreeExtensionList - list available
Bool XQueryExtension(display, name, major_opcode_return,
first_event_return, first_error_return)
char **XListExtensions(display, nextensions_return)
display Specifies the connection to the X server.
name Specifies the extension name.
Returns the major opcode.
Returns the first event code, if any.
Returns the first error code, if any.
Returns the number of extensions listed.
list Specifies the list of extension names.
The XQueryExtension function determines if the named extension is
present. If the extension is not present, XQueryExtension returns
False; otherwise, it returns True. If the extension is present,
XQueryExtension returns the major opcode for the extension to
major_opcode_return; otherwise, it returns zero. Any minor opcode and
the request formats are specific to the extension. If the extension
involves additional event types, XQueryExtension returns the base event
type code to first_event_return; otherwise, it returns zero. The
format of the events is specific to the extension. If the extension
involves additional error codes, XQueryExtension returns the base error
code to first_error_return; otherwise, it returns zero. The format of
additional data in the errors is specific to the extension. If the
extension name is not in the Host Portable Character Encoding the
result is implementation-dependent. Uppercase and lowercase matter;
the strings "thing", "Thing", and "thinG" are all considered different
The XListExtensions function returns a list of all extensions supported
by the server. If the data returned by the server is in the Latin
Portable Character Encoding, then the returned strings are in the Host
Portable Character Encoding. Otherwise, the result is implementation-
The XFreeExtensionList function frees the memory allocated by