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XtRegisterDrawable(3) XT FUNCTIONS XtRegisterDrawable(3)
NAME XtRegisterDrawable - register a drawable with the Intrinsics event dispatcher
SYNTAX #include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
void XtRegisterDrawable(Display* display, Drawable drawable, Widget widget);
void XtUnregisterDrawable(Display* display, Drawable drawable);
ARGUMENTS display Specifies the drawable's display.
drawable Specifies the drawable to register.
widget Specifies the widget to register the drawable for.
DESCRIPTION XtRegisterDrawable associates the specified drawable with the specified widget so that future calls to XtWindowToWidget with the drawable will return the widget. The default event dispatcher will dispatch future core events that arrive with the drawable to the widget as though the event contained the widget's window, but the event itself will not be changed in any way when being passed to even handler or action procedures.
If the drawable is already registered with another widget, or if the drawable is the window of a widget in the client's widget tree, the results of calling XtRegisterDrawable are undefined.
XtUnregisterDrawable removes an association created with XtRegisterDrawable. If the drawable is the window of a widget in the client's widget tree the results of calling XtUnregisterDrawable are undefined.
SEE ALSO X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface Xlib - C Language X Interface
X Version 11 libXt 1.2.1 XtRegisterDrawable(3)