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CAP_RIGHTS_INIT(3) FreeBSD Library Functions Manual CAP_RIGHTS_INIT(3)
NAME cap_rights_init, cap_rights_set, cap_rights_clear, cap_rights_is_set, cap_rights_is_valid, cap_rights_merge, cap_rights_remove, cap_rights_contains - manage cap_rights_t structure
LIBRARY Standard C Library (libc, -lc)
SYNOPSIS #include <sys/capsicum.h>
cap_rights_t * cap_rights_init(cap_rights_t *rights, ...);
cap_rights_t * cap_rights_set(cap_rights_t *rights, ...);
cap_rights_t * cap_rights_clear(cap_rights_t *rights, ...);
bool cap_rights_is_set(const cap_rights_t *rights, ...);
bool cap_rights_is_valid(const cap_rights_t *rights);
cap_rights_t * cap_rights_merge(cap_rights_t *dst, const cap_rights_t *src);
cap_rights_t * cap_rights_remove(cap_rights_t *dst, const cap_rights_t *src);
bool cap_rights_contains(const cap_rights_t *big, const cap_rights_t *little);
DESCRIPTION The functions documented here allow to manage the cap_rights_t structure.
Capability rights should be separated with comma when passed to the cap_rights_init(), cap_rights_set(), cap_rights_clear() and cap_rights_is_set() functions. For example:
cap_rights_set(&rights, CAP_READ, CAP_WRITE, CAP_FSTAT, CAP_SEEK);
The complete list of the capability rights can be found in the rights(4) manual page.
The cap_rights_init() function initialize provided cap_rights_t structure. Only properly initialized structure can be passed to the remaining functions. For convenience the structure can be filled with capability rights instead of calling the cap_rights_set() function later. For even more convenience pointer to the given structure is returned, so it can be directly passed to cap_rights_limit(2):
cap_rights_t rights;
if (cap_rights_limit(fd, cap_rights_init(&rights, CAP_READ, CAP_WRITE)) < 0)
The cap_rights_is_set() function checks if all the given capability rights are set for the given cap_rights_t structure.
The cap_rights_is_valid() function verifies if the given cap_rights_t structure is valid.
The cap_rights_merge() function merges all capability rights present in the src structure into the dst structure.
The cap_rights_remove() function removes all capability rights present in the src structure from the dst structure.
The cap_rights_contains() function checks if the big structure contains all capability rights present in the little structure.
RETURN VALUES The functions never fail. In case an invalid capability right or an invalid cap_rights_t structure is given as an argument, the program will be aborted.
The cap_rights_init(), cap_rights_set() and cap_rights_clear() functions return pointer to the cap_rights_t structure given in the rights argument.
The cap_rights_merge() and cap_rights_remove() functions return pointer to the cap_rights_t structure given in the dst argument.
The cap_rights_is_set() returns true if all the given capability rights are set in the rights argument.
The cap_rights_is_valid() function performs various checks to see if the given cap_rights_t structure is valid and returns true if it is.
The cap_rights_contains() function returns true if all capability rights set in the little structure are also present in the big structure.
EXAMPLES The following example demonstrates how to prepare a cap_rights_t structure to be passed to the cap_rights_limit(2) system call.
cap_rights_t rights; int fd;
fd = open("/tmp/foo", O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) err(1, "open() failed");
cap_rights_init(&rights, CAP_FSTAT, CAP_READ);
if (allow_write_and_seek) cap_rights_set(&rights, CAP_WRITE, CAP_SEEK);
if (dont_allow_seek) cap_rights_clear(&rights, CAP_SEEK);
if (cap_rights_limit(fd, &rights) < 0 && errno != ENOSYS) err(1, "cap_rights_limit() failed");
FreeBSD 8.3. Support for capabilities and capabilities mode was developed as part of the TrustedBSD Project.
AUTHORS This family of functions was created by Pawel Jakub Dawidek <> under sponsorship from the FreeBSD Foundation.
FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE-p6 May 5, 2020 FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE-p6