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GSS_UNWRAP(3) FreeBSD Library Functions Manual (prm) GSS_UNWRAP(3)
NAME gss_unwrap, gss_unseal - Convert a message previously protected by gss_wrap(3) back to a usable form
SYNOPSIS #include <gssapi/gssapi.h>
OM_uint32 gss_unwrap(OM_uint32 *minor_status, const gss_ctx_id_t context_handle, const gss_buffer_t input_message_buffer, gss_buffer_t output_message_buffer, int *conf_state, gss_qop_t *qop_state);
OM_uint32 gss_unseal(OM_uint32 *minor_status, gss_ctx_id_t context_handle, gss_buffer_t input_message_buffer, gss_buffer_t output_message_buffer, int *conf_state, gss_qop_t *qop_state);
DESCRIPTION Converts a message previously protected by gss_wrap(3) back to a usable form, verifying the embedded MIC. The conf_state parameter indicates whether the message was encrypted; the qop_state parameter indicates the strength of protection that was used to provide the confidentiality and integrity services.
Since some application-level protocols may wish to use tokens emitted by gss_wrap(3) to provide "secure framing", implementations must support the wrapping and unwrapping of zero-length messages.
The gss_unseal() routine is an obsolete variant of gss_unwrap(). It is provided for backwards compatibility with applications using the GSS-API V1 interface. A distinct entrypoint (as opposed to #define) is provided, both to allow GSS-API V1 applications to link and to retain the slight parameter type differences between the obsolete versions of this routine and its current form.
PARAMETERS minor_status Mechanism specific status code.
context_handle Identifies the context on which the message arrived.
input_message_buffer Protected message.
output_message_buffer Buffer to receive unwrapped message. Storage associated with this buffer must be freed by the application after use with a call to gss_release_buffer(3).
Non-zero Confidentiality and integrity protection were used.
Zero Integrity service only was used.

GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN The token failed consistency checks.
GSS_S_BAD_SIG The MIC was incorrect
GSS_S_DUPLICATE_TOKEN The token was valid, and contained a correct MIC for the message, but it had already been processed.
GSS_S_OLD_TOKEN The token was valid, and contained a correct MIC for the message, but it is too old to check for duplication.
GSS_S_UNSEQ_TOKEN The token was valid, and contained a correct MIC for the message, but has been verified out of sequence; a later token has already been received.
GSS_S_GAP_TOKEN The token was valid, and contained a correct MIC for the message, but has been verified out of sequence; an earlier expected token has not yet been received.
GSS_S_CONTEXT_EXPIRED The context has already expired.
GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT The context_handle parameter did not identify a valid context.
SEE ALSO gss_release_buffer(3), gss_wrap(3)
STANDARDS RFC 2743 Generic Security Service Application Program Interface Version 2, Update 1
RFC 2744 Generic Security Service API Version 2 : C-bindings
HISTORY The gss_unwrap function first appeared in FreeBSD 7.0.
AUTHORS John Wray, Iris Associates
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FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE-p6 January 26, 2010 FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE-p6