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hx509 printing functions(3) Heimdalx509library hx509 printing functions(3)
NAME hx509 printing functions -
Functions void hx509_print_stdout (void *ctx, const char *fmt, va_list va) int hx509_oid_sprint (const heim_oid *oid, char **str) void hx509_oid_print (const heim_oid *oid, hx509_vprint_func func, void *ctx) void hx509_bitstring_print (const heim_bit_string *b, hx509_vprint_func func, void *ctx) int hx509_cert_keyusage_print (hx509_context context, hx509_cert c, char **s) int hx509_validate_ctx_init (hx509_context context, hx509_validate_ctx *ctx) void hx509_validate_ctx_set_print (hx509_validate_ctx ctx, hx509_vprint_func func, void *c) void hx509_validate_ctx_add_flags (hx509_validate_ctx ctx, int flags) void hx509_validate_ctx_free (hx509_validate_ctx ctx) int hx509_validate_cert (hx509_context context, hx509_validate_ctx ctx, hx509_cert cert)
Detailed Description Function Documentation void hx509_bitstring_print (const heim_bit_string * b, hx509_vprint_func func, void * ctx) Print a bitstring using a hx509_vprint_func function. To print to stdout use hx509_print_stdout().
Parameters: b bit string to print. func hx509_vprint_func to print with. ctx context variable to hx509_vprint_func function.
int hx509_cert_keyusage_print (hx509_context context, hx509_cert c, char ** s) Print certificate usage for a certificate to a string.
Parameters: context A hx509 context. c a certificate print the keyusage for. s the return string with the keysage printed in to, free with hx509_xfree().
Returns: An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string().
void hx509_oid_print (const heim_oid * oid, hx509_vprint_func func, void * ctx) Print a oid using a hx509_vprint_func function. To print to stdout use hx509_print_stdout().
Parameters: oid oid to print func hx509_vprint_func to print with. ctx context variable to hx509_vprint_func function.
int hx509_oid_sprint (const heim_oid * oid, char ** str) An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string().
void hx509_print_stdout (void * ctx, const char * fmt, va_list va) Helper function to print on stdout for:
o hx509_oid_print(),
o hx509_bitstring_print(),
o hx509_validate_ctx_set_print().
Parameters: ctx the context to the print function. If the ctx is NULL, stdout is used. fmt the printing format. va the argumet list.
int hx509_validate_cert (hx509_context context, hx509_validate_ctx ctx, hx509_cert cert) Validate/Print the status of the certificate.
Parameters: context A hx509 context. ctx A hx509 validation context. cert the cerificate to validate/print.
Returns: An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string().
void hx509_validate_ctx_add_flags (hx509_validate_ctx ctx, int flags) Add flags to control the behaivor of the hx509_validate_cert() function.
Parameters: ctx A hx509 validation context. flags flags to add to the validation context.
Returns: An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string().
void hx509_validate_ctx_free (hx509_validate_ctx ctx) Free an hx509 validate context.
Parameters: ctx the hx509 validate context to free.
int hx509_validate_ctx_init (hx509_context context, hx509_validate_ctx * ctx) Allocate a hx509 validation/printing context.
Parameters: context A hx509 context. ctx a new allocated hx509 validation context, free with hx509_validate_ctx_free().
Returns: An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string().
void hx509_validate_ctx_set_print (hx509_validate_ctx ctx,
Returns: An hx509 error code, see hx509_get_error_string().
Version 1.5.2 11 Jan 2012 hx509 printing functions(3)