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LOGIN_TTY(3) FreeBSD Library Functions Manual LOGIN_TTY(3)
NAME login_tty - prepare a tty for a new login session
LIBRARY System Utilities Library (libutil, -lutil)
SYNOPSIS #include <libutil.h>
int login_tty(int fd);
DESCRIPTION The function login_tty() prepares a terminal for a new login session. The file descriptor fd passed to login_tty() must be opened for reading and writing on a terminal device. It will be made the controlling terminal for the calling process, after allocating a new session with setsid(2). This terminal device will also be made the standard input, standard output, and standard error output of the calling process.
RETURN VALUES The login_tty() function returns -1 if it could not make the device referenced by fd the controlling terminal of the calling process, and 0 otherwise.
SEE ALSO dup2(2), ioctl(2), setsid(2), tty(4)
HISTORY The function login_tty() first appeared in 4.4BSD.
FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE-p6 May 10, 2020 FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE-p6