FreeBSD manual

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NAME ofindline() - finds a line with a matching field
SYNOPSIS int ofindline(f,delim,string,field,array,arraysize) FILE *f; char delim; char *string; int field; char *array[]; int arraysize;
DESCRIPTION ofindline() retrieves a line from an open file that has a matching character string in the given field.
ofindline() fills in array with pointers to strings that make up each field on the line. The strings are allocated new storage. The field delimiter, delim, is used to break up each line of the file into fields. string is the string to match. fieldno is the field number to match. Fields are numbered 0..n. array is an array of pointers to fill in. arraysize is the size of array.
RETURNS +1 match.
-1 no match.
-2 arg error. Returned only if the condition findline_arg_err is handled and the handler returns.
-4 not enough memory to allocate space for files. Returned only if the condition findline_storage is handled and the handler returns.
Joerg Schilling 2022/09/09 OFINDLINE(3)