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STRINGLIST(3) FreeBSD Library Functions Manual STRINGLIST(3)
NAME stringlist, sl_init, sl_add, sl_free, sl_find - stringlist manipulation functions
LIBRARY Standard C Library (libc, -lc)
SYNOPSIS #include <stringlist.h>
StringList * sl_init();
int sl_add(StringList *sl, char *item);
void sl_free(StringList *sl, int freeall);
char * sl_find(StringList *sl, const char *item);
DESCRIPTION The stringlist functions manipulate stringlists, which are lists of strings that extend automatically if necessary.
The StringList structure has the following definition:
typedef struct _stringlist { char **sl_str; size_t sl_max; size_t sl_cur; } StringList;
sl_str a pointer to the base of the array containing the list.
sl_max the size of sl_str.
sl_cur the offset in sl_str of the current element.
The following stringlist manipulation functions are available:
sl_init() Create a stringlist. Returns a pointer to a StringList, or NULL in case of failure.
sl_free() Releases memory occupied by sl and the sl->sl_str array. If freeall is non-zero, then each of the items within sl->sl_str is released as well.
sl_add() Add item to sl->sl_str at sl->sl_cur, extending the size of sl->sl_str. Returns zero upon success, -1 upon failure.
sl_find() Find item in sl, returning NULL if it is not found.
SEE ALSO free(3), malloc(3)