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UUID(3) FreeBSD Library Functions Manual UUID(3)
NAME uuid_compare, uuid_create, uuid_create_nil, uuid_equal, uuid_from_string, uuid_hash, uuid_is_nil, uuid_to_string - DCE 1.1 compliant UUID functions
LIBRARY Standard C Library (libc, -lc)
SYNOPSIS #include <uuid.h>
int32_t uuid_compare(const uuid_t *uuid1, const uuid_t *uuid2, uint32_t *status);
void uuid_create(uuid_t *uuid, uint32_t *status);
void uuid_create_nil(uuid_t *uuid, uint32_t *status);
int32_t uuid_equal(const uuid_t *uuid1, const uuid_t *uuid2, uint32_t *status);
void uuid_from_string(const char *str, uuid_t *uuid, uint32_t *status);
uint16_t uuid_hash(const uuid_t *uuid, uint32_t *status);
int32_t uuid_is_nil(const uuid_t *uuid, uint32_t *status);
void uuid_to_string(const uuid_t *uuid, char **str, uint32_t *status);
void uuid_enc_le(void *buf, const uuid_t *uuid);
void uuid_dec_le(const void *buf, uuid_t *);
void uuid_enc_be(void *buf, const uuid_t *uuid);
void uuid_dec_be(const void *buf, uuid_t *);
DESCRIPTION The family of DCE 1.1 compliant UUID functions allow applications to operate on universally unique identifiers, or UUIDs. The uuid_create() and uuid_create_nil() functions create UUIDs. To convert from the binary representation to the string representation or vice versa, use uuid_to_string() or uuid_from_string() respectively.
The uuid_to_string() function set *str to be a pointer to a buffer sufficiently large to hold the string. This pointer should be passed to free(3) to release the allocated storage when it is no longer needed.
The uuid_dec_le() and uuid_dec_be() functions decode a UUID from an octet stream in little-endian and big-endian byte-order, respectively. These routines are not part of the DCE RPC API. They are provided for convenience.
The uuid_compare() and uuid_equal() functions compare two UUIDs for equality. UUIDs are equal if pointers a and b are equal or both NULL, or if the structures a and b point to are equal. uuid_compare() returns 0 if the UUIDs are equal, -1 if a is less than b, and 1 if a is greater than b. uuid_equal() returns 1 if the UUIDs are equal, 0 if they are not equal.
The uuid_is_nil() function compares a UUID to NULL. The function returns 1 if u is NULL or if the UUID consists of all zeros, and zero otherwise.
The uuid_hash() function returns a 16-bit hash value for the specified UUID.
RETURN VALUES The successful or unsuccessful completion of the function is returned in the status argument. Possible values are:
uuid_s_ok The function completed successfully.
uuid_s_bad_version The UUID does not have a known version.
uuid_s_invalid_string_uuid The string representation of an UUID is not valid.
uuid_s_no_memory The function can not allocate memory to store an UUID representation.
uuid_compare(), uuid_equal(), uuid_is_nil(), and uuid_hash() always set status to uuid_s_ok.
SEE ALSO uuidgen(1), uuidgen(2)
STANDARDS The UUID functions conform to the DCE 1.1 RPC specification.
BUGS This manpage can be improved.
FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE-p6 November 19, 2021 FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE-p6