FreeBSD manual
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PKG-KEYWORDS(5) FreeBSD File Formats Manual PKG-KEYWORDS(5)
Keywords - files to extend the number of keywords avaiable for plist
pkg-create(8) and pkg-register(8) can parse a plist file, which describes
the content of a package to be created/registered. The plist format is
documented in the pkg-create(8) manpage .
Keywords are files that extends the number of keywords available to a
plist. Those files are in UCL format.
The format is the following:
Array of actions which defines what do to the argument(s) of the
keywords. Valid actions are:
dir Consider the argument of the keyword as a directory and
register it as such in the package
file Consider the argument of the keyword as a regular file
and register it as such in the package
Boolean which tells pkg(8) if it should parse the argument of the
keyword or not. If true then pkg will make split it using spaces
as token and make the argument available to:
Any action will now accept a number that will represent
the argument passed to the action via parenthesis.
shell and lua scripts
New variables will be available to scripts: %<number>.
attributes that can be set to a file or a directory depending if
actions has been set. It will take the precedence over the
attributes that may have been set when calling the keyword.
Attributes can be:
owner string
Name of the owner of the file or directory.
group string
Name of the group of the file or directory.
mode string
mode of the file or directory, this mode can be in
numeric or string form.
Boolean to mark a keyword as deprecated
Message to be show if the keyword is used and mark as deprecated
shell script to be run during the pre-install phase. It will be
merged with any existing pre-install scripts. The script will be
formatted respecting the escape sequences define later.
shell script to be run during the post-install phase. It will be
merged with any existing post-install scripts. The script will
be formatted respecting the escape sequences define later.
shell script to be run during the pre-deinstall phase. It will
be merged with any existing pre-deinstall scripts. The script
will be formatted respecting the escape sequences define later.
shell script to be run during the post-deinstall phase. It will
be merged with any existing post-deinstall scripts. The script
will be formatted respecting the escape sequences define later.
Lua script to be run during the pre-install phase. It will be
appended with any existing array of lua pre-install scripts The
script will be formatted respecting the escape sequences define
Lua script to be run during the post-install phase. It will be
appended with any existing array of lua post-install scripts The
script will be formatted respecting the escape sequences define
Lua script to be run during the pre-deinstall phase. It will be
appended with any existing array of lua pre-deinstall scripts The
script will be formatted respecting the escape sequences define
Lua script to be run during the post-deinstall phase. It will be
appended with any existing array of lua post-deinstall scripts
The script will be formatted respecting the escape sequences
define later.
Array of test messages that can be passed to the users. Valid
information by entry in the array are:
message string
actual message to be shown to the users.
type [upgrade | remove | install]
defines in which contect the message should be shown to
the users. If not set, the message will always be
If line contains any of the following sequences somewhere in it, they
the current directory prefix, plus the last filespec, minus the
trailing filename. In the example case, that would be
%f Expand to the filename part of the fully qualified name, or the
converse of %B, being in the example case, emacs.
pkg_create(3), pkg_printf(3), pkg_repos(3), pkg-lua-script(5),
pkg-repository(5), pkg-script(5), pkg-triggers(5), pkg.conf(5), pkg(8),
pkg-add(8), pkg-alias(8), pkg-annotate(8), pkg-audit(8),
pkg-autoremove(8), pkg-check(8), pkg-clean(8), pkg-config(8),
pkg-create(8), pkg-delete(8), pkg-fetch(8), pkg-info(8), pkg-install(8),
pkg-lock(8), pkg-query(8), pkg-register(8), pkg-repo(8), pkg-rquery(8),
pkg-search(8), pkg-set(8), pkg-shell(8), pkg-shlib(8), pkg-ssh(8),
pkg-stats(8), pkg-triggers(8), pkg-update(8), pkg-updating(8),
pkg-upgrade(8), pkg-version(8), pkg-which(8)
FreeBSD 14.2-RELEASE January 29, 2020 FreeBSD 14.2-RELEASE