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GRAPHVIZ(7) FreeBSD Miscellaneous Information Manual GRAPHVIZ(7)
NAME graphviz - rich set of graph drawing tools

SYNOPSIS This manpage has been written to fulfil the need of a centralized documentation presenting all available tools in the graphviz package.

AVAILABLE TOOLS Graph layout programs dot filter for hierarchical layouts of graphs
neato filter for symmetric layouts of graphs
twopi filter for radial layouts of graphs
circo filter for circular layout of graphs
fdp filter for symmetric layouts of graphs
All of the filters work with either directed or undirected graphs, though dot is typically used for directed graphs and neato for undirected graphs.
Graph layout enhancement gvcolor flow colors through a ranked digraph
unflatten adjust directed graphs to improve layout aspect ratio
gvpack merge and pack disjoint graphs

Graph information and transformation gc count graph components
acyclic make directed graph acyclic
nop pretty-print graph file
ccomps connected components filter for graphs
sccmap extract strongly connected components of directed graphs
tred transitive reduction filter for directed graphs
dijkstra single-source distance filter
bcomps biconnected components filter for graphs
gvpr graph pattern scanning and processing language
prune prune directed graphs
AUTHOR This manual page was written by Cyril Brulebois <> in november 2006, based on an initial documentation effort by Joachim Berdal Haga <>. It can be distributed under the same terms as the graphviz package.

November 19, 2006 GRAPHVIZ(7)