FreeBSD manual

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HIER(7) FreeBSD Miscellaneous Information Manual HIER(7)
NAME hier - layout of file systems
SYNOPSIS An overview of the file system hierarchy.
DESCRIPTION / root directory
/bin/ user utilities that are fundamental to single-user and multi- user modes
/boot/ programs and configuration files used during bootstrap of the operating system
defaults/ default bootstrap configuration files; see loader.conf(5) dtb/ compiled flattened device tree (FDT) files; see fdt(4) and dtc(1)
overlays/ compiled flattened device tree (FDT) overlays; these can be applied using the fdt_overlays setting in loader.conf(5)
efi/ mount point for the EFI System Partition (ESP) on UEFI systems firmware/ loadable kernel modules containing binary firmware, for hardware to which firmware must be downloaded kernel/ pure kernel executable (the operating system loaded into memory at boot time) and kernel modules modules/ third-party loadable kernel modules, such as those associated with ports(7) zfs/ zfs(8) pool cache files
/compat/ files supporting binary compatibility with other operating systems
linux/ default location for linux(4) compatibility run- time
/dev/ the normal mount point for devfs(5)
fd/ file descriptor files; see fd(4)
/etc/ system configuration files and scripts
bluetooth/ bluetooth configuration files defaults/ default system configuration files; see rc(8) localtime local timezone information; see ctime(3) mail/ sendmail(8) control files mtree/ mtree(8) configuration files pam.d/ configuration files for the Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) library; see pam(3) periodic/ scripts that are run daily, weekly, or monthly
/home/ users' home directories; whilst the layout is not standardized, the typical home for an interactive user beastie would be /home/beastie/
/lib/ system libraries that are critical to binaries in /bin and /sbin
casper/ service-specific libcasper(3) Capsicum support libraries geom/ class-specific libraries for the geom(8) utility nvmecontrol/ vendor-specific libraries to extend the nvmecontrol(8) utility
/libexec/ system utilities that are critical to binaries in /bin and /sbin
/media/ empty directory commonly containing mount points for removable media such as USB drives, CDs, and DVDs
/mnt/ empty directory commonly used by system administrators as a temporary mount point
/net/ automounted NFS shares; see auto_master(5)
/nonexistent/ a non-existent directory; conventionally, a home directory for special user accounts that do not require a home directory. See also /var/empty/
/proc/ process file system; see procfs(5)
/rescue/ statically-linked programs for emergency recovery; see rescue(8)
/root/ home directory of the root user
/sbin/ system programs and administration utilities that are fundamental to single-user and multi-user modes
/tmp/ temporary files that may be removed by rc(8); see the clear_tmp_enable variable of rc.conf(5)
/usr/ contains the majority of user utilities and applications
bin/ common utilities, programming tools, and applications freebsd-dist/ distribution files (like base.txz; see) release(7) and bsdinstall(8) include/ standard C include files lib/ shared and archive ar(1)-type libraries
compat/ shared libraries for compatibility debug/ standalone debug data for the kernel and base system libraries and binaries dtrace/ DTrace library scripts engines/ OpenSSL (Cryptography/SSL toolkit) dynamically loadable engines linker flags, and other information relevant to library use
libexec/ system daemons and system utilities that are executed by other programs
aout/ utilities to manipulate a.out executables elf/ utilities to manipulate ELF executables lpr/ utilities and filters for LP print system; see lpr(1) sendmail/ the sendmail(8) binary; see mailwrapper(8) sm.bin/ restricted shell for sendmail(8); see smrsh(8)
local/ local executables, libraries, etc. Also used as the default destination for the ports(7) framework. Within local/, the general layout sketched out by hier for /usr should be used. Exceptions are the ports documentation (in share/doc/<port>/), and /usr/local/etc (mimics /etc). obj/ architecture-specific target tree produced by building FreeBSD from source; see build(7) ports/ FreeBSD ports collection; see ports(7) sbin/ system daemons and system utilities that are executed by users share/ architecture-independent files
calendar/ system-wide calendar files; see calendar(1) dict/ word lists; see look(1)
freebsd FreeBSD-specific terms, proper names, and jargon web2 words from Webster's Second International
doc/ miscellaneous documentation examples/ various examples for users and programmers firmware/ firmware images loaded by userland programs games/ used by various games keys/ known trusted and revoked keys
pkg/ fingerprints for pkg(7) and pkg(8)
locale/ localization files; see setlocale(3) man/ manual pages misc/ miscellaneous system-wide files
termcap terminal characteristics
sendmail/ sendmail(8) configuration files skel/ example . (dot) files for new accounts snmp/ MIBs, example files and tree definitions for the SNMP daemon
defs/ tree definition files for use with gensnmptree(1) mibs/ MIB files
syscons/ syscons(4) files
fonts/ console fonts; see vidcontrol(1) and vidfont(1) keymaps/ console keyboard maps; see kbdcontrol(1) and kbdmap(1) scrnmaps/ console screen maps
sysroot/ files necessary for the -sysroot compiler/linker argument to build non-native binaries
VERSION/ files for FreeBSD release VERSION. By convention, "VERSION" matches uname(1) -r.
MACHINE.MACHINE_ARCH/ represent the binary ABI for these files. "MACHINE" matches uname(1) -m. "MACHINE_ARCH" matches uname(1) -p.
tabset/ tab description files for a variety of terminals; used in the termcap file; see termcap(5) vi/ localization support and utilities for vi(1) vt/ vt(4) files
fonts/ console fonts; see vidcontrol(1) and vidfont(1) keymaps/ console keyboard maps; see kbdcontrol(1) and kbdmap(1)
tests/ the FreeBSD test suite; see tests(7)
/var/ log, temporary, transient, and spool files
account/ system accounting files
acct execution accounting file; see acct(5)
at/ timed command scheduling files; see at(1)
jobs/ job files spool/ output spool files
backups/ miscellaneous backup files cache/ miscellaneous cache files
pkg/ cached packages for pkg(8)
crash/ default directory for kernel crash dumps; see crash(8) and savecore(8) cron/ cron(8) files
tabs/ crontab(5) files
db/ miscellaneous automatically-generated system- specific database files
freebsd-update/ temporary files and downloads for freebsd-update(8)
empty/ for use by programs that require an empty directory. Uses include privilege separation by sshd(8) games/ miscellaneous game status and score files heimdal/ Kerberos server databases; see kdc(8) log/ miscellaneous system log files
utx.lastlogin last login log; see getutxent(3) utx.log login/logout log; see getutxent(3)
mail/ user mailbox files msgs/ system messages database; see msgs(1) preserve/ unused, present for historical reasons quotas/ file system quota information files run/ files containing information about the operating system since it was booted
bhyve/ bhyve(8) virtual machine unix(4)-domain sockets ppp/ writable by the "network" group for command connection sockets; see ppp(8) database of current users; see getutxent(3)
rwho/ rwho data files; see rwhod(8), rwho(1), and ruptime(1) spool/ miscellaneous printer and mail system spooling directories
tmp/ temporary files that are not removed by rc(8)
vi.recover/ vi(1) recovery files
yp/ the NIS maps; see yp(8)
NOTES This manual page documents the default FreeBSD file system layout. The actual hierarchy on a given system is defined at the system administrator's discretion. A well-maintained installation will include a customized version of this document.
SEE ALSO apropos(1), find(1), grep(1), ls(1), whereis(1), which(1)
HISTORY A hier manual page appeared in Version 7 AT&T UNIX.
FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE-p6 July 6, 2023 FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE-p6