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GSHSEC(8) FreeBSD System Manager's Manual GSHSEC(8)
NAME gshsec - control utility for shared secret devices
SYNOPSIS gshsec label [-hv] name prov prov ... gshsec stop [-fv] name ... gshsec clear [-v] prov ... gshsec dump prov ... gshsec list gshsec status gshsec load gshsec unload
DESCRIPTION The gshsec utility is used for setting up a device which contains a shared secret. The secret is shared between the given providers. To collect the secret, all providers are needed. If one of the components is missing, there is no way to get any useful data from the rest of them. The first argument to gshsec indicates an action to be performed:
label Set up a shared secret device from the given components with the specified name. Metadata are stored in the last sector of every component.
stop Turn off an existing shared secret device by its name. This command does not touch on-disk metadata!
clear Clear metadata on the given providers.
dump Dump metadata stored on the given providers.
list See geom(8).
status See geom(8).
load See geom(8).
unload See geom(8).
Additional options:
-f Force the removal of the specified shared secret device.
-h Hardcode providers' names in metadata.
-v Be more verbose.
EXIT STATUS Exit status is 0 on success, and 1 if the command fails.
EXAMPLES The following example shows how to create a shared secret device. The secret will be split between a slice on a local disk and a USB Pen drive.
SEE ALSO geom(4), gbde(8), geom(8), newfs(8)
HISTORY The gshsec utility appeared in FreeBSD 5.4.
AUTHORS Pawel Jakub Dawidek <>
FreeBSD 14.2-RELEASE October 1, 2013 FreeBSD 14.2-RELEASE