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ISCSID(8) FreeBSD System Manager's Manual ISCSID(8)
NAME iscsid - iSCSI initiator daemon
SYNOPSIS iscsid [-P pidfile] [-d] [-l loglevel] [-m maxproc] [-t seconds]
DESCRIPTION The iscsid daemon is the userspace component of the iSCSI initiator, responsible for performing the Login Phase of iSCSI connections and the SendTargets discovery.
Upon startup, the iscsid daemon opens the iSCSI initiator device file and waits for requests from the kernel component, iscsi(4). iscsid does not use any configuration files. All needed information is supplied by the kernel.
When the iscsid daemon is not running, already established iSCSI connections continue to work. However, establishing new connections, or recovering existing ones in case of connection error, is not possible.
The following options are available:
-P pidfile Specify alternative location of a file where main process PID will be stored. The default location is /var/run/
-d Debug mode. The daemon sends verbose debug output to standard error, and does not put itself in the background. The daemon will also not fork and will exit after processing one connection. This option is only intended for debugging the initiator.
-l loglevel Specifies debug level. The default is 0.
-m maxproc Specifies limit for concurrently running child processes handling connections. The default is 30. Setting it to 0 disables the limit.
-t seconds Specifies timeout for login session, after which the connection will be forcibly terminated. The default is 60. Setting it to 0 disables the timeout.
FILES /dev/iscsi The iSCSI initiator device file. /var/run/ The default location of the iscsid PID file.
EXIT STATUS The iscsid utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
SEE ALSO iscsi(4), iscsictl(8)
HISTORY The iscsid command appeared in FreeBSD 10.0.
AUTHORS The iscsid utility was developed by Edward Tomasz Napierala