* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2021 Warner Losh
* Copyright (c) 2023 Stormshield
* Copyright (c) 2023 Klara, Inc.
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#define MUTEX_LOCKED 0x01
#define MUTEX_UNLOCKED 0x00
#define STACK_SIZE 4096
#define TLS_SIZE 4096
.file "swp_test.S"
.syntax unified
.globl main
.p2align 2
.type main,%function
.code 32
* Stack slots:
* 0 - Sync word
* 1 - Thread id
* 2 - Shared word
sub sp, sp, #12
/* Print a message */
movw r0, :lower16:.L.mainmsg
movt r0, :upper16:.L.mainmsg
ldr r1, =(.L.mainmsgEnd - .L.mainmsg - 1)
bl print
/* Create two secondary threads */
mov r0, #1
str r0, [sp, #4] /* Thread ID */
movw r0, :lower16:secondary_thread
movt r0, :upper16:secondary_thread
mov r1, sp
movw r2, :lower16:stack1
movt r2, :upper16:stack1
movw r3, :lower16:tls1
movt r3, :upper16:tls1
bl create_thr
* Wait for the first new thread to ack its existence by
* incrementing the thread id.
ldr r0, [sp, #4]
cmp r0, #1
bne 2f
ldr r7, =SYS_sched_yield
swi 0
b 1b
/* Create thread #2 */
movw r0, :lower16:secondary_thread
movt r0, :upper16:secondary_thread
mov r1, sp
movw r2, :lower16:stack2
movt r2, :upper16:stack2
movw r3, :lower16:tls2
movt r3, :upper16:tls2
bl create_thr
* Wait for the first new thread to ack its existence by
* incrementing the thread id.
ldr r0, [sp, #4]
cmp r0, #2
bne 4f
ldr r7, =SYS_sched_yield
swi 0
b 3b
/* Loop */
mov r0, sp
mov r1, #0 /* Thread loop */
add r2, sp, #8
bl thread_loop
b 4b
mov r0, #0
ldr r7, =SYS_exit
swi 0
.p2align 2
.type secondary_thread,%function
.code 32
* On entry, r0 is where we stashed our sync word and
* ack word (thread ID).
* Stash the sync word in r4, thread ID in r5.
mov r4, r0
ldr r5, [r0, #4]
/* Print a message */
movw r0, :lower16:.L.secondarymsg
movt r0, :upper16:.L.secondarymsg
ldr r1, =(.L.secondarymsgEnd - .L.secondarymsg - 1)
bl print
/* Acknowledge that we started */
add r0, r5, #1
str r0, [r4, #4]
mov r0, r4
mov r1, r5
add r2, r4, #8
bl thread_loop
b 1b
.p2align 2
.type thread_loop,%function
.code 32
push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr}
* r0 == sync word
* r1 == thread ID
* r2 == shared word
mov r4, r0
mov r5, r1
mov r6, r2
bl lock_mutex_swp
str r5, [r6] /* Write the thread ID */
bl random_cycles
# Save off the now cycle count */
mov r8, r0
/* Print the thread ID and cycle count */
mov r0, r5
mov r1, #0
bl printnum
/* Separator */
movw r0, :lower16:.L.idsep
movt r0, :upper16:.L.idsep
ldr r1, =(.L.idsepEnd - .L.idsep - 1)
bl print
/* Cycle count */
mov r0, r8
mov r1, #1
bl printnum
ldr r0, [r6]
cmp r0, r5 /* Check against the thread ID */
bne 2f
str r5, [r6]
* Check if the count hit 0, otherwise go again.
cmp r8, #0
beq 3f
sub r8, r8, #1
b 1b
/* exit(1) */
mov r0, #1
ldr r7, =SYS_exit
swi 0
mov r0, r4
bl unlock_mutex_swp
* Yield to lower the chance that we end up re-acquiring, the other two
* threads are still actively trying to acquire the lock.
ldr r7, =SYS_sched_yield
swi 0
pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr}
bx lr
.p2align 2
.type random_cycles,%function
.code 32
/* Return a random number < 4k */
sub sp, sp, #4
mov r0, sp
mov r1, #4
mov r2, #0
ldr r7, =SYS_getrandom
swi 0
* Just truncate the result of getrandom(2)
* to put us within range. Naive, but functional.
ldr r0, [sp]
mov r1, #0xfff
and r0, r0, r1
add sp, sp, #4
bx lr
* lock_mutex_swp and unlock_mutex_swp lifted from
* ARM documentation on SWP/SWPB.
.p2align 2
.type lock_mutex_swp,%function
.code 32
swp r1, r2, [r0] /* Swap in lock value. */
cmp r1, r2 /* Check if we were locked already. */
beq lock_mutex_swp /* Retry if so */
bx lr /* Return locked */
.p2align 2
.type unlock_mutex_swp,%function
.code 32
str r1, [r0] /* Move in unlocked */
bx lr
.p2align 2
.type create_thr,%function
.code 32
* r0 == start_func
* r1 == arg
* r2 == stack_base
* r3 == tls_base
sub sp, sp, #56
str r0, [sp, #4] /* start_func */
str r1, [sp, #8] /* arg */
str r2, [sp, #12] /* stack_base */
mov r0, #STACK_SIZE
str r0, [sp, #16] /* stack_size */
str r3, [sp, #20] /* tls_base */
mov r0, #TLS_SIZE
str r0, [sp, #24] /* tls_size */
mov r0, #0
str r0, [sp, #28]
str r0, [sp, #32]
str r0, [sp, #36]
str r0, [sp, #40]
add r0, sp, #4 /* &thrp */
mov r1, #52 /* sizeof(thrp) */
ldr r7, =SYS_thr_new
swi 0
add sp, sp, #56
bx lr
.p2align 2
.type printnum,%function
.code 32
push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r10, lr}
sub sp, #4
/* 1000000000 */
movw r6, #0xca00
movt r6, #0x3b9a
udiv r5, r0, r6
cmp r5, #9
bhi abort
/* r4 is our accumulator */
mov r4, r0
/* r5 to be used as our "significant bit" */
mov r5, #0
/* r10 is "output_newline" */
mov r10, r1
cmp r6, #0
beq 4f
/* Divide by current place */
udiv r0, r4, r6
/* Significant already? print anyways */
cmp r5, #0
bne 2f
* Not significant, maybe print. If we made it all the way to 1, we
* need to just print the 0 anyways.
cmp r6, #1
beq 2f
cmp r0, #0
bne 2f
b 3f /* Proceed */
/* Print */
mov r5, #1
mov r8, r0
add r0, r0, #0x30
str r0, [sp]
mov r0, sp
mov r1, #1
bl print
/* Multiply back into place and subtract from accumulator */
mul r0, r8, r6
sub r4, r4, r0
mov r3, #10
udiv r6, r6, r3
b 1b
cmp r10, #0
beq 5f
/* newline */
mov r0, #0x0a
str r0, [sp]
mov r0, sp
mov r1, #1
bl print
add sp, sp, #4
pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r10, lr}
bx lr
movw r0, :lower16:.L.badnum
movt r0, :upper16:.L.badnum
ldr r1, =(.L.badnumEnd - .L.badnum - 1)
bl print
mov r0, #1
ldr r7, =SYS_exit
swi 0
.p2align 2
.type print,%function
.code 32
/* r0 - string, r1 = size */
mov r2, r1
mov r1, r0
ldr r7, =SYS_write
swi 0
bx lr
.asciz "Main thread\n"
.size .L.mainmsg, .L.mainmsgEnd - .L.mainmsg
.asciz "Secondary thread\n"
.size .L.secondarymsg, .L.secondarymsgEnd - .L.secondarymsg
.asciz "Bad number\n"
.size .L.badnum, .L.badnumEnd - .L.badnum
.asciz " - cycles "
.size .L.idsep, .L.idsepEnd - .L.idsep
.type stack1,%object
.local stack1
.comm stack1,STACK_SIZE,1
.type tls1,%object
.local tls1
.comm tls1,TLS_SIZE,1
.type stack2,%object
.local stack2
.comm stack2,STACK_SIZE,1
.type tls2,%object
.local tls2
.comm tls2,TLS_SIZE,1