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HEIF-ENC(1) FreeBSD General Commands Manual HEIF-ENC(1)
NAME heif-enc - convert image to HEIC/HEIF
SYNOPSIS heif-enc [-h|--help] [-q QUALITY|--quality QUALITY] [-L|--lossless] [-t SIZE|--thumb SIZE] [--no-alpha] [--no-thumb-alpha] [-o FILENAME|--output FILENAME] [-v|--verbose] [-P|--params] [-b DEPTH] [-p NAME=VALUE] filename[.jpg|.png|.y4m]
DESCRIPTION heif-enc Convert image to HEIC/HEIF.
OPTIONS -q QUALITY, --quality QUALITY Defines quality level between 0 and 100 for the generated output file.
-L, --lossless Generate lossless output (-q has no effect)
-t SIZE, --thumb SIZE Generate thumbnail with maximum size SIZE pixels (default: off).
--no-alpha Do not save alpha channel.
--no-thumb-alpha Do not save alpha channel in thumbnail image.
-o FILENAME, --output FILENAME Output filename (optional).
--verbose Enable logging output (more will increase logging level).
-P, --params Show all encoder parameters.
-b DEPTH Bit-depth of generated HEIF file when using 16-bit PNG input (default: 10 bit).
-p NAME=VALUE Set additional encoder parameters. See NOTES below.
1 Failure (syntax or usage error; error while loading, converting or writing image).
NOTES The available input formats depend on the libraries that were available at compile time. Supported are JPEG, PNG and Y4M, the file type is determined based on the extension of the input file. x265:ctu=64).
Note that there is no checking for valid parameters when using the prefix.
BUGS Please reports bugs or issues at
AUTHORS Dirk Farin, struktur AG
COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2017 struktur AG