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NAME rpcclient - tool for executing client side MS-RPC functions
SYNOPSIS rpcclient [-c|--command=COMMANDS] [-I|--dest-ip=IP] [-p|--port=PORT] [-?|--help] [--usage] [-d|--debuglevel=DEBUGLEVEL] [--debug-stdout] [--configfile=CONFIGFILE] [--option=name=value] [-l|--log-basename=LOGFILEBASE] [--leak-report] [--leak-report-full] [-R|--name-resolve=NAME-RESOLVE-ORDER] [-O|--socket-options=SOCKETOPTIONS] [-m|--max-protocol=MAXPROTOCOL] [-n|--netbiosname=NETBIOSNAME] [--netbios-scope=SCOPE] [-W|--workgroup=WORKGROUP] [--realm=REALM] [-U|--user=[DOMAIN/]USERNAME[%PASSWORD]] [-N|--no-pass] [--password=STRING] [--pw-nt-hash] [-A|--authentication-file=FILE] [-P|--machine-pass] [--simple-bind-dn=DN] [--use-kerberos=desired|required|off] [--use-krb5-ccache=CCACHE] [--use-winbind-ccache] [--client-protection=sign|encrypt|off] [-V|--version] {BINDING-STRING|HOST}
DESCRIPTION This tool is part of the samba(7) suite.
rpcclient is a utility initially developed to test MS-RPC functionality in Samba itself. It has undergone several stages of development and stability. Many system administrators have now written scripts around it to manage Windows NT clients from their UNIX workstation.
OPTIONS BINDING-STRING|HOST When connecting to a dcerpc service you need to specify a binding string.
The format is:
where TRANSPORT is either ncacn_np (named pipes) for SMB or ncacn_ip_tcp for DCERPC over TCP/IP.
"host" is an IP or hostname or netbios name. If the binding string identifies the server side of an endpoint, "host" may be an empty string. See below for more details.
"options" can include a SMB pipe name if using the ncacn_np transport or a TCP port number if using the ncacn_ip_tcp transport, otherwise they will be auto-determined.

The supported transports are:
o ncacn_np - Connect using named pipes
o ncacn_ip_tcp - Connect over TCP/IP
o ncalrpc - Connect over local RPC (unix sockets)
The supported options are:
o sign - Use RPC integrity authentication level
o seal - Enable RPC privacy (encryption) authentication level
o connect - Use RPC connect level authentication (auth, but no sign or seal)
o packet - Use RPC packet authentication level
o spnego - Use SPNEGO instead of NTLMSSP authentication
o ntlm - Use plain NTLM instead of SPNEGO or NTLMSSP
o krb5 - Use Kerberos instead of NTLMSSP authentication
o schannel - Create a schannel connection
o smb1 - Use SMB1 for named pipes
o smb2 - Use SMB2/3 for named pipes
o validate - Enable the NDR validator
o print - Enable debug output of packets
o padcheck - Check reply data for non-zero pad bytes
o bigendian - Use big endian for RPC
o ndr64 - Use NDR64 for RPC

-c|--command=<command string> Execute semicolon separated commands (listed below)
-I|--dest-ip IP-address IP address is the address of the server to connect to. It should be specified in standard "a.b.c.d" notation.
Normally the client would attempt to locate a named SMB/CIFS server by looking it up via the NetBIOS name resolution mechanism described above in the name resolve order parameter above. Using this parameter will force the client to assume that the server is on the machine with the specified IP address and the NetBIOS name component of the resource being connected to will be ignored.
There is no default for this parameter. If not supplied, it will be
-?|--help Print a summary of command line options.
--usage Display brief usage message.
-d|--debuglevel=DEBUGLEVEL level is an integer from 0 to 10. The default value if this parameter is not specified is 1 for client applications.
The higher this value, the more detail will be logged to the log files about the activities of the server. At level 0, only critical errors and serious warnings will be logged. Level 1 is a reasonable level for day-to-day running - it generates a small amount of information about operations carried out.
Levels above 1 will generate considerable amounts of log data, and should only be used when investigating a problem. Levels above 3 are designed for use only by developers and generate HUGE amounts of log data, most of which is extremely cryptic.
Note that specifying this parameter here will override the log level parameter in the smb.conf file.
--debug-stdout This will redirect debug output to STDOUT. By default all clients are logging to STDERR.
--configfile=<configuration file> The file specified contains the configuration details required by the client. The information in this file can be general for client and server or only provide client specific like options such as client smb encrypt. See smb.conf for more information. The default configuration file name is determined at compile time.
--option=<name>=<value> Set the smb.conf(5) option "<name>" to value "<value>" from the command line. This overrides compiled-in defaults and options read from the configuration file. If a name or a value includes a space, wrap whole --option=name=value into quotes.
-l|--log-basename=logdirectory Base directory name for log/debug files. The extension ".progname" will be appended (e.g. log.smbclient, log.smbd, etc...). The log file is never removed by the client.
--leak-report Enable talloc leak reporting on exit.
--leak-report-full Enable full talloc leak reporting on exit.
-V|--version Prints the program version number.
-R|--name-resolve=NAME-RESOLVE-ORDER This option is used to determine what naming services and in what order to resolve host names to IP addresses. The option takes a space-separated string of different name resolution options. The If the line in lmhosts has no name type attached to the NetBIOS name (see the lmhosts(5) for details) then any name type matches for lookup.
o host: Do a standard host name to IP address resolution, using the system /etc/hosts, NIS, or DNS lookups. This method of name resolution is operating system dependent, for instance on IRIX or Solaris this may be controlled by the /etc/nsswitch.conf file). Note that this method is only used if the NetBIOS name type being queried is the 0x20 (server) name type, otherwise it is ignored.
o wins: Query a name with the IP address listed in the wins server parameter. If no WINS server has been specified this method will be ignored.
o bcast: Do a broadcast on each of the known local interfaces listed in the interfaces parameter. This is the least reliable of the name resolution methods as it depends on the target host being on a locally connected subnet.
If this parameter is not set then the name resolve order defined in the smb.conf file parameter (name resolve order) will be used.
The default order is lmhosts, host, wins, bcast. Without this parameter or any entry in the name resolve order parameter of the smb.conf file, the name resolution methods will be attempted in this order.
-O|--socket-options=SOCKETOPTIONS TCP socket options to set on the client socket. See the socket options parameter in the smb.conf manual page for the list of valid options.
-m|--max-protocol=MAXPROTOCOL The value of the parameter (a string) is the highest protocol level that will be supported by the client.
Note that specifying this parameter here will override the client max protocol parameter in the smb.conf file.
-n|--netbiosname=NETBIOSNAME This option allows you to override the NetBIOS name that Samba uses for itself. This is identical to setting the netbios name parameter in the smb.conf file. However, a command line setting will take precedence over settings in smb.conf.
--netbios-scope=SCOPE This specifies a NetBIOS scope that nmblookup will use to communicate with when generating NetBIOS names. For details on the use of NetBIOS scopes, see rfc1001.txt and rfc1002.txt. NetBIOS scopes are very rarely used, only set this parameter if you are the system administrator in charge of all the NetBIOS systems you communicate with.
-W|--workgroup=WORKGROUP Set the SMB domain of the username. This overrides the default domain which is the domain defined in smb.conf. If the domain
-r|--realm=REALM Set the realm for the domain.
Note that specifying this parameter here will override the realm parameter in the smb.conf file.
-U|--user=[DOMAIN\]USERNAME[%PASSWORD] Sets the SMB username or username and password.
If %PASSWORD is not specified, the user will be prompted. The client will first check the USER environment variable (which is also permitted to also contain the password seperated by a %), then the LOGNAME variable (which is not permitted to contain a password) and if either exists, the value is used. If these environmental variables are not found, the username found in a Kerberos Credentials cache may be used.
A third option is to use a credentials file which contains the plaintext of the username and password. This option is mainly provided for scripts where the admin does not wish to pass the credentials on the command line or via environment variables. If this method is used, make certain that the permissions on the file restrict access from unwanted users. See the -A for more details.
Be cautious about including passwords in scripts or passing user-supplied values onto the command line. For security it is better to let the Samba client tool ask for the password if needed, or obtain the password once with kinit.
While Samba will attempt to scrub the password from the process title (as seen in ps), this is after startup and so is subject to a race.
-N|--no-pass If specified, this parameter suppresses the normal password prompt from the client to the user. This is useful when accessing a service that does not require a password.
Unless a password is specified on the command line or this parameter is specified, the client will request a password.
If a password is specified on the command line and this option is also defined the password on the command line will be silently ignored and no password will be used.
--password Specify the password on the commandline.
Be cautious about including passwords in scripts or passing user-supplied values onto the command line. For security it is better to let the Samba client tool ask for the password if needed, or obtain the password once with kinit.
If --password is not specified, the tool will check the PASSWD environment variable, followed by PASSWD_FD which is expected to contain an open file descriptor (FD) number.
Finally it will check PASSWD_FILE (containing a file path to be opened). The file should only contain the password. Make certain
--pw-nt-hash The supplied password is the NT hash.
-A|--authentication-file=filename This option allows you to specify a file from which to read the username and password used in the connection. The format of the file is:
username = <value> password = <value> domain = <value>

Make certain that the permissions on the file restrict access from unwanted users!
-P|--machine-pass Use stored machine account password.
--simple-bind-dn=DN DN to use for a simple bind.
--use-kerberos=desired|required|off This parameter determines whether Samba client tools will try to authenticate using Kerberos. For Kerberos authentication you need to use dns names instead of IP addresses when connnecting to a service.
Note that specifying this parameter here will override the client use kerberos parameter in the smb.conf file.
--use-krb5-ccache=CCACHE Specifies the credential cache location for Kerberos authentication.
This will set --use-kerberos=required too.
--use-winbind-ccache Try to use the credential cache by winbind.
--client-protection=sign|encrypt|off Sets the connection protection the client tool should use.
Note that specifying this parameter here will override the client protection parameter in the smb.conf file.
In case you need more fine grained control you can use: --option=clientsmbencrypt=OPTION, --option=clientipcsigning=OPTION, --option=clientsigning=OPTION.
COMMANDS LSARPC lsaquery Query info policy
lookupsids Convert SIDs to names
lookupnames4 Convert names to SIDs
lookupnames_level Convert names to SIDs
enumtrust Enumerate trusted domains
enumprivs Enumerate privileges
getdispname Get the privilege name
lsaenumsid Enumerate the LSA SIDS
lsacreateaccount Create a new lsa account
lsaenumprivsaccount Enumerate the privileges of an SID
lsaenumacctrights Enumerate the rights of an SID
lsaaddpriv Assign a privilege to a SID
lsadelpriv Revoke a privilege from a SID
lsaaddacctrights Add rights to an account
lsaremoveacctrights Remove rights from an account
lsalookupprivvalue Get a privilege value given its name
lsaquerysecobj Query LSA security object
lsaquerytrustdominfo Query LSA trusted domains info (given a SID)
lsaquerytrustdominfobyname Query LSA trusted domains info (given a name), only works for Windows > 2k
lsaquerytrustdominfobysid Query LSA trusted domains info (given a SID)
lsasettrustdominfo Set LSA trusted domain info
Delete Secret
querysecret Query Secret
setsecret Set Secret
retrieveprivatedata Retrieve Private Data
storeprivatedata Store Private Data
createtrustdom Create Trusted Domain
deletetrustdom Delete Trusted Domain
LSARPC-DS dsroledominfo Get Primary Domain Information
DFS dfsversion Query DFS support
dfsadd Add a DFS share
dfsremove Remove a DFS share
dfsgetinfo Query DFS share info
dfsenum Enumerate dfs shares
dfsenumex Enumerate dfs shares
SHUTDOWN shutdowninit syntax: shutdown [-m message]
shutdownabort syntax: shutdownabort
SRVSVC srvinfo Server query info
netshareenum Enumerate shares
netshareenumall Enumerate all shares
netsharesetdfsflags Set DFS flags
netfileenum Enumerate open files
netremotetod Fetch remote time of day
netnamevalidate Validate sharename
netfilegetsec Get File security
netsessdel Delete Session
netsessenum Enumerate Sessions
netdiskenum Enumerate Disks
netconnenum Enumerate Connections
netshareadd Add share
netsharedel Delete share
SAMR queryuser Query user info
querygroup Query group info
queryusergroups Query user groups
queryuseraliases Query user aliases
querygroupmem Query group membership
queryaliasmem Query alias membership
queryaliasinfo Query alias info
deletealias Delete an alias
querydominfo Query domain info
enumdomusers Enumerate domain users
enumdomgroups Enumerate domain groups
enumalsgroups Enumerate alias groups
enumdomains Enumerate domains
createdomuser Create domain user
createdomgroup Create domain group
createdomalias Create domain alias
samlookupnames Look up names
samlookuprids Look up names
deletedomgroup Delete domain group
deletedomuser Delete domain user
samquerysecobj Query SAMR security object
getdompwinfo Retrieve domain password info
getusrdompwinfo Retrieve user domain password info
lookupdomain Lookup Domain Name
chgpasswd Change user password
chgpasswd2 Change user password
chgpasswd3 Change user password
SPOOLSS adddriver <arch> <config> [<version>] Execute an AddPrinterDriver() RPC to install the printer driver information on the server. Note that the driver files should already exist in the directory returned by getdriverdir. Possible values for arch are the same as those for the getdriverdir command. The config parameter is defined as follows:
Long Driver Name:\ Driver File Name:\ Data File Name:\ Config File Name:\ Help File Name:\ Language Monitor Name:\ Default Data Type:\ Comma Separated list of Files
Any empty fields should be enter as the string "NULL".
Samba does not need to support the concept of Print Monitors since these only apply to local printers whose driver can make use of a bi-directional link for communication. This field should be "NULL". On a remote NT print server, the Print Monitor for a driver must already be installed prior to adding the driver or else the RPC will fail.
The version parameter lets you specify the printer driver version number. If omitted, the default driver version for the specified architecture will be used. This option can be used to upload Windows 2000 (version 3) printer drivers.
addprinter <printername> <sharename> <drivername> <port> Add a printer on the remote server. This printer will be automatically shared. Be aware that the printer driver must already be installed on the server (see adddriver) and the portmust be a valid port name (see enumports.
deldriver <driver> Delete the specified printer driver for all architectures. This does not delete the actual driver files from the server, only the entry from the server's list of drivers.
deldriverex <driver> [architecture] [version] [flags] Delete the specified printer driver and optionally files associated with the driver. You can limit this action to a specific architecture and a specific version. If no architecture is given, all driver files of that driver will be deleted. flags correspond to numeric DPD_* values, i.e. a value of 3 requests (DPD_DELETE_UNUSED_FILES | DPD_DELETE_SPECIFIC_VERSION).
enumdata Enumerate all printer setting data stored on the server. On Windows NT clients, these values are stored in the registry, while Samba servers store them in the printers TDB. This command corresponds to the MS Platform SDK GetPrinterData() function (* This command is currently unimplemented).
enumdataex corresponds to the MS Platform SDK EnumJobs() function
getjob Get print job
setjob Set print job
enumports [level] Executes an EnumPorts() call using the specified info level. Currently only info levels 1 and 2 are supported.
enumdrivers [level] Execute an EnumPrinterDrivers() call. This lists the various installed printer drivers for all architectures. Refer to the MS Platform SDK documentation for more details of the various flags and calling options. Currently supported info levels are 1, 2, and 3.
enumprinters [level] Execute an EnumPrinters() call. This lists the various installed and share printers. Refer to the MS Platform SDK documentation for more details of the various flags and calling options. Currently supported info levels are 1, 2 and 5.
getdata <printername> <valuename;> Retrieve the data for a given printer setting. See the enumdata command for more information. This command corresponds to the GetPrinterData() MS Platform SDK function.
getdataex Get printer driver data with keyname
getdriver <printername> Retrieve the printer driver information (such as driver file, config file, dependent files, etc...) for the given printer. This command corresponds to the GetPrinterDriver() MS Platform SDK function. Currently info level 1, 2, and 3 are supported.
getdriverdir <arch> Execute a GetPrinterDriverDirectory() RPC to retrieve the SMB share name and subdirectory for storing printer driver files for a given architecture. Possible values for arch are "Windows 4.0" (for Windows 95/98), "Windows NT x86", "Windows NT PowerPC", "Windows Alpha_AXP", and "Windows NT R4000".
getdriverpackagepath Get print driver package download directory
getprinter <printername> Retrieve the current printer information. This command corresponds to the GetPrinter() MS Platform SDK function.
openprinter <printername> Execute an OpenPrinterEx() and ClosePrinter() RPC against a given printer.
openprinter_ex <printername> Open printer handle list of of installed printers and drivers.
getprintprocdir Get print processor directory
addform Add form
setform Set form
getform Get form
deleteform Delete form
enumforms Enumerate form
setprinter Set printer comment
setprinterdata Set REG_SZ printer data
setprintername <printername> <newprintername> Set printer name
rffpcnex Rffpcnex test
printercmp Printer comparison test
enumprocs Enumerate Print Processors
enumprocdatatypes Enumerate Print Processor Data Types
enummonitors Enumerate Print Monitors
createprinteric Create Printer IC
playgdiscriptonprinteric Create Printer IC
getcoreprinterdrivers Get CorePrinterDriver
enumpermachineconnections Enumerate Per Machine Connections
addpermachineconnection Add Per Machine Connection
getanydcname Get trusted DC name
getdcname Get trusted PDC name
dsr_getdcname Get trusted DC name
dsr_getdcnameex Get trusted DC name
dsr_getdcnameex2 Get trusted DC name
dsr_getsitename Get sitename
dsr_getforesttrustinfo Get Forest Trust Info
logonctrl Logon Control
samlogon Sam Logon
change_trust_pw Change Trust Account Password
gettrustrid Get trust rid
dsr_enumtrustdom Enumerate trusted domains
dsenumdomtrusts Enumerate all trusted domains in an AD forest
deregisterdnsrecords Deregister DNS records
netrenumtrusteddomains Enumerate trusted domains
netrenumtrusteddomainsex Enumerate trusted domains
getdcsitecoverage Get the Site-Coverage from a DC
capabilities Return Capabilities
logongetdomaininfo Return LogonGetDomainInfo
FSRVP fss_is_path_sup
fss_delete Request shadow-copy share deletion
fss_has_shadow_copy Check for an associated share shadow-copy
fss_get_mapping Get shadow-copy share mapping information
fss_recovery_complete Flag read-write snapshot as recovery complete,
CLUSAPI clusapi_open_cluster Open cluster
clusapi_get_cluster_name Get cluster name
clusapi_get_cluster_version Get cluster version
clusapi_get_quorum_resource Get quorum resource
clusapi_create_enum Create enum query
clusapi_create_enumex Create enumex query
clusapi_open_resource Open cluster resource
clusapi_online_resource Set cluster resource online
clusapi_offline_resource Set cluster resource offline
clusapi_get_resource_state Get cluster resource state
clusapi_get_cluster_version2 Get cluster version2
clusapi_pause_node Pause cluster node
clusapi_resume_node Resume cluster node
DRSUAPI dscracknames Crack Name
dsgetdcinfo Get Domain Controller Info
ECHO echoaddone Add one to a number
echodata Echo data
sinkdata Sink data
sourcedata Source data
EPMAPPER epmmap Map a binding
epmlookup Lookup bindings
EVENTLOG eventlog_readlog Read Eventlog
eventlog_numrecord Get number of records
eventlog_oldestrecord Get oldest record
eventlog_reportevent Report event
eventlog_reporteventsource Report event and source
eventlog_registerevsource Register event source
eventlog_backuplog Backup Eventlog File
eventlog_loginfo Get Eventlog Information
IRemoteWinspool winspool_AsyncOpenPrinter Open printer handle
winspool_AsyncCorePrinterDriverInstalled Query Core Printer Driver Installed
NTSVCS ntsvcs_getversion Query NTSVCS version
ntsvcs_validatedevinst Query NTSVCS device instance
Query NTSVCS device registry property
ntsvcs_getdevlistsize Query NTSVCS device list size
ntsvcs_getdevlist Query NTSVCS device list
MDSSVC fetch_properties Fetch connection properties
fetch_attributes Fetch attributes for a CNID
WINREG winreg_enumkey Enumerate Keys
querymultiplevalues Query multiple values
querymultiplevalues2 Query multiple values
WITNESS GetInterfaceList List the interfaces to which witness client connections can be made
Register Register for resource state change notifications of a NetName and IPAddress
UnRegister Unregister for notifications from the server
AsyncNotify Request notification of registered resource changes from the server
RegisterEx Register for resource state change notifications of a NetName, ShareName and multiple IPAddresses
WKSSVC wkssvc_wkstagetinfo Query WKSSVC Workstation Information
wkssvc_getjoininformation Query WKSSVC Join Information
wkssvc_messagebuffersend Send WKSSVC message
wkssvc_enumeratecomputernames Enumerate WKSSVC computer names
wkssvc_enumerateusers Enumerate WKSSVC users
debuglevel Set debug level
debug Set debug level
list List available commands on pipe
exit Exit program
quit Exit program
sign Force RPC pipe connections to be signed
seal Force RPC pipe connections to be sealed
packet Force RPC pipe connections with packet authentication level
schannel Force RPC pipe connections to be sealed with 'schannel'. Force RPC pipe connections to be sealed with 'schannel'. Assumes valid machine account to this domain controller.
schannelsign Force RPC pipe connections to be signed (not sealed) with 'schannel'. Assumes valid machine account to this domain controller.
timeout Set timeout (in milliseconds) for RPC operations
transport Choose ncacn transport for RPC operations
none Force RPC pipe connections to have no special properties
BUGS rpcclient is designed as a developer testing tool and may not be robust in certain areas (such as command line parsing). It has been known to generate a core dump upon failures when invalid parameters where passed to the interpreter.
From Luke Leighton's original rpcclient man page:
WARNING! The MSRPC over SMB code has been developed from examining Network traces. No documentation is available from the original creators (Microsoft) on how MSRPC over SMB works, or how the individual MSRPC services work. Microsoft's implementation of these services has been demonstrated (and reported) to be... a bit flaky in places.
The development of Samba's implementation is also a bit rough, and as more of the services are understood, it can even result in versions of
AUTHOR The original Samba software and related utilities were created by Andrew Tridgell. Samba is now developed by the Samba Team as an Open Source project similar to the way the Linux kernel is developed.
The original rpcclient man page was written by Matthew Geddes, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton, and rewritten by Gerald Carter. The conversion to DocBook for Samba 2.2 was done by Gerald Carter. The conversion to DocBook XML 4.2 for Samba 3.0 was done by Alexander Bokovoy.
Samba 4.16.11 07/17/2023 RPCCLIENT(1)