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avahi-set-host-name(1) FreeBSD General Commands Manual avahi-set-host-name(1)
NAME avahi-set-host-name - Change mDNS host name
SYNOPSIS avahi-set-host-name host-name
DESCRIPTION Set the mDNS host name of a currently running Avahi daemon. The effect of this operation is not persistent across daemon restarts. This operation is usually privileged.
OPTIONS -v | --verbose Enable verbose mode.
-h | --help Show help.
-V | --version Show version information.
AUTHORS The Avahi Developers <avahi (at) lists (dot) freedesktop (dot) org>; Avahi is available from
SEE ALSO avahi-daemon(8)
COMMENTS This man page was written using xml2man(1) by Oliver Kurth.
Manuals User avahi-set-host-name(1)