FreeBSD manual

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GETAFM(1) FreeBSD General Commands Manual GETAFM(1)
NAME getafm - create an AFM file for a PostScript font.
SYNOPSIS getafm FontName >
DESCRIPTION Getafm generates a PostScript file which prints an AFM file for a font to the printer's output channel. The output of getafm should be sent to a printer, or to GhostScript. For example,
getafm Times-Roman | gsnd - >Times-Roman.afm

AUTHOR Robert Joop (, Angus Duggan
SEE ALSO psbook(1), psselect(1), pstops(1), epsffit(1), psnup(1), psresize(1), psmerge(1), fixscribeps(1), getafm(1), fixdlsrps(1), fixfmps(1), fixmacps(1), fixpsditps(1), fixpspps(1), fixtpps(1), fixwfwps(1), fixwpps(1), fixwwps(1), extractres(1), includeres(1)
TRADEMARKS PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
BUGS Kerning information is not generated by getafm; it is best to use original AFM files if possible.
PSUtils Release 1 Patchlevel 17 GETAFM(1)