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lpstat(1) OpenPrinting lpstat(1)
NAME lpstat - print cups status information
SYNOPSIS lpstat [ -h hostname[:port] ] [ -E ] [ -H ] [ -U username ] [ -l ] [ -W which-jobs ] [ -a [ destination(s) ] ] [ -c [ class(es) ] ] [ -d ] [ -e ] [ -o [ destination(s) ] ] [ -p [ printer(s) ] ] [ -r ] [ -R ] [ -s ] [ -t ] [ -u [ user(s) ] ] [ -v [ printer(s) ] ]
DESCRIPTION lpstat displays status information about the current classes, jobs, and printers. When run with no arguments, lpstat will list active jobs queued by the current user.
OPTIONS The lpstat command supports the following options:
-E Forces encryption when connecting to the server.
-H Shows the server hostname and port.
-R Shows the ranking of print jobs.
-U username Specifies an alternate username.
-W which-jobs Specifies which jobs to show, "completed" or "not-completed" (the default). This option must appear before the -o option and/or any printer names, otherwise the default ("not-completed") value will be used in the request to the scheduler.
-a [printer(s)] Shows the accepting state of printer queues. If no printers are specified then all printers are listed.
-c [class(es)] Shows the printer classes and the printers that belong to them. If no classes are specified then all classes are listed.
-d Shows the current default destination.
-e Shows all available destinations on the local network.
-h server[:port] Specifies an alternate server. Note: This option must occur before all others.
-l Shows a long listing of printers, classes, or jobs.
-o [destination(s)] Shows the jobs queued on the specified destinations. If no destinations are specified all jobs are shown.
-p [printer(s)] Shows the printers and whether they are enabled for printing. If no printers are specified then all printers are listed.
-t Shows all status information. This is equivalent to using the -r, -d, -c, -v, -a, -p, and -o options.
-u [user(s)] Shows a list of print jobs queued by the specified users. If no users are specified, lists the jobs queued by the current user.
-v [printer(s)] Shows the printers and what device they are attached to. If no printers are specified then all printers are listed.
CONFORMING TO Unlike the System V printing system, CUPS allows printer names to contain any printable character except SPACE, TAB, "/", and "#". Also, printer and class names are not case-sensitive.
The -h, -e, -E, -U, and -W options are unique to CUPS.
The Solaris -f, -P, and -S options are silently ignored.
SEE ALSO cancel(1), lp(1), lpq(1), lpr(1), lprm(1), CUPS Online Help (http://localhost:631/help)
COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2021-2023 by OpenPrinting.
2022-05-02 CUPS lpstat(1)