FreeBSD manual

download PDF document: seahorse-daemon.1.pdf

seahorse-daemon(1) GNOME seahorse-daemon(1)

NAME seahorse-daemon - seahorse pass phrase caching agent

SYNOPSIS seahorse-daemon [ OPTION... ]

DESCRIPTION Seahorse is a GNOME application for managing encryption keys.
This is the daemon program which provides services to other parts of Seahorse.

OPTIONS Help options -?, --help Show summary of all options and exit.
--usage Display brief usage message and exit.

Application options -d, --no-daemonize Do not daemonize seahorse-daemon.

Additional options In addition, the usual GTK+ and GNOME command line options apply. See the output of --help for details.

VERSION This man page describes seahorse-daemon version 0.9.x.

BUGS If you find a bug, please report it at

AUTHORS Jacob Perkins <>
Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo <>
Jean Schurger <>
Stef Walter <>
Adam Schreiber <>
This man page was originally written by Michael Mende

LICENSE You are free to distribute this software under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Documentation and help files are covered by GFDL license.

SEE ALSO seahorse-tool(1), seahorse-agent(1),
seahorse May 4, 2006 seahorse-daemon(1)