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tracker-info(1) User Commands tracker-info(1)
tracker-info - Retrieve all information available for a certain file.
tracker info [options...] <file1> [[file2] ...]
tracker info asks for all the known metadata available for the given
Multiple file arguments can be provided to retrieve information about
multiple files.
The file argument can be either a local path or a URI. It also does not
have to be an absolute path.
-f, --full-namespaces
By default, all keys and values reported about any given file
are returned in shortened form, for example, nie:title is shown
instead of
This makes things much easier to see generally and the output is
less cluttered. This option reverses that so FULL namespaces are
shown instead.
-c, --plain-text-content
If the resource being displayed has nie:PlainTextContent (i.e.
information about the content of the resource, which could be
the contents of a file on the disk), then this option displays
that in the output.
-i, --resource-is-iri
In most cases, the file argument supplied points to a URL or
PATH which is queried for according to the resource associated
with it by nie:url. However, in cases where the file specified
turns out to be the actual URN itself, this argument is required
to tell "tracker info" not to do the extra step of looking up
the URN related by nie:url.
For example, consider that you store URNs by the actual URL
itself and use the unique nie:url in another resource (which is
quite reasonable when using containers and multi-resource
conditions), you would need this argument to tell "tracker info"
that the file supplied is actually a URN not URL.
-t, --turtle
Output results as Turtle RDF. If -f is enabled, full URIs are
shown for subjects, predicates and objects; otherwise, shortened
URIs are used, and all the prefixes Tracker knows about are
printed at the top of the output.
With "direct" the connection to the database is made directly to
the file itself on the disk, there is no intermediary daemon or
process. The "direct" approach is purely read-only.
With "bus" the tracker-store process is used to liase with the
database queuing all requests and managing the connections via
an IPC / D-Bus. This adds a small overhead BUT this is the only
approach you can use if you want to write to the database.
With "auto" the backend is decided for you, much like it would
be if this environment variable was undefined.
tracker-store(1), tracker-sparql(1).
GNU Oct 2008 tracker-info(1)