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XkbAddSymInterpret(3) XKB FUNCTIONS XkbAddSymInterpret(3)
NAME XkbAddSymInterpret - Add a symbol interpretation to the list of symbol interpretations in an XkbCompatRec
SYNOPSIS XkbSymInterpretPtr XkbAddSymInterpret (XkbDescPtr xkb, XkbSymInterpretPtr si, Bool updateMap, XkbChangesPtr changes);
ARGUMENTS xkb keyboard description to be updated
si symbol interpretation to be added
updateMap True=>apply compatibility map to keys
changes changes are put here
DESCRIPTION XkbAddSymInterpret adds si to the list of symbol interpretations in xkb. If updateMap is True, it (re)applies the compatibility map to all of the keys on the keyboard. If changes is non-NULL, it reports the parts of the keyboard that were affected (unless updateMap is True, not much changes). XkbAddSymInterpret returns a pointer to the actual new symbol interpretation in the list or NULL if it failed.
X Version 11 libX11 1.8.9 XkbAddSymInterpret(3)