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XtRegisterGrabAction(3) XT FUNCTIONS XtRegisterGrabAction(3)
NAME XtRegisterGrabAction - register button and key grabs
SYNTAX #include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
void XtRegisterGrabAction(XtActionProc action_proc, Boolean owner_events, unsigned int event_mask, int pointer_mode, int keyboard_mode);
ARGUMENTS action_proc Specifies the action procedure to search for in translation tables.
num_params Specify arguments to XtGrabButton or XtGrabKey
DESCRIPTION XtRegisterGrabAction adds the specified action_proc to a list known to the translation manager.
SEE ALSO X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface Xlib - C Language X Interface
X Version 11 libXt 1.2.1 XtRegisterGrabAction(3)