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mariadb_stmt_fetch_fields(3) MariaDB Connector/C mariadb_stmt_fetch_fields(3)
Name mariadb_stmt_fetch_fields - Returns an array of fields containing the column definitions ## Synopsis

#include <mysql.h>
MYSQL_FIELD *mariadb_stmt_fetch_fields(MYSQL_STMT * stmt);

Description Returns an array of fields. Each field contains the definition for a column of the result set. If the statement doesn't have a result set a NULL pointer will be returned.
Parameter o stmt - A statement handle, which was previously allocated by mysql_stmt_init(3).
Notes The number of fields can be obtained by mysql_stmt_field_count(3)
History This function was added in MariaDB Connector/C 3.1.0
See Also *mysql_stmt_field_count(3)
Version 3.3.1 mariadb_stmt_fetch_fields(3)