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PKG-VERSION(8) FreeBSD System Manager's Manual PKG-VERSION(8)
NAME pkg version - summarize installed versions of packages
SYNOPSIS pkg version [-IPR] [-hoqvU] [-l limchar] [-L limchar] [-Cegix pattern] [-r reponame] [-O origin | -n pkgname] [index] pkg version -t version1 version2 pkg version -T pkgname pattern
pkg version [--{index,ports,remote}] [--{help,origin,quiet,verbose,no-repo-update}] [--like limchar] [--not-like limchar] [--{case-sensitive,exact,glob,case-insensitive,regex} pattern] [--repository reponame] [--match-origin origin] [index] pkg version --test-version version1 version2 pkg version --test-pattern pkgname pattern
DESCRIPTION pkg version is used for generating a report of packages installed by pkg(8).
The database of available packages and versions to compare against the installed packages may be chosen by specifying one of -P, -R or -I or by setting VERSION_SOURCE in pkg.conf(5). If not specified then the ports index file will be used if it exists (-I). Otherwise, should a ports tree exist that will be used to compare versions (-P). Failing either of those two choices, the repository catalogue will be used (-R).
When -I is used, versions of installed packages will be compared to the versions listed in the file argument index, or if that is not given explicitly, in the default ports index file (typically located as /usr/ports/INDEX-N, where N is the OS major version number.)
When -R is used, package repository catalogues will be automatically updated whenever pkg version is run by a user ID with write access to the package database, unless disabled by the -U flag or setting REPO_AUTOUPDATE to NO in pkg.conf(5).
When comparing package versions the package name and a comparison character are printed:
= The installed version of the package is current.
< The installed version of the package is older than the current version.
> The installed version of the package is newer than the current version. This situation can arise with an out of date index file, or when testing new ports.
? The installed package does not appear in the index. This could be due to an out of date index or a package taken from a PR that has not yet been committed.
! The installed package exists in the index but for some reason, pkg version was unable to compare the version number of the installed package with the corresponding entry in the index.
-h, --help Displays usage information.
-I [index], --index [index] Use index file for determining if a package is out of date. If no index file name is specified, uses the default index file. This is the default, if the index file exists.
-P, --ports Use ports for determining if a package is out of date. This is the default if the index file is not present and a ports tree exists. The tree used can be overridden by PORTSDIR, see pkg.conf(5) for more information.
-R, --remote Use repository catalogue for determining if a package is out of date. This is the default if neither the ports index nor the ports tree exists.
-U, --no-repo-update Suppress the automatic update of the local copy of the repository catalogue from remote. This only has any effect in combination with the -R option. Automatic repository catalogue updates are only attempted when the effective UID of the process has write access to the package database. Otherwise they are silently ignored.
-r reponame, --repository reponame Compare installed package versions to packages available from the named repository only, irrespective of the configured "active" status from repo.conf. By default all repository catalogues marked "active" are used for version comparisons. Implies -R.
-o, --origin Display package origin, instead of package name.
-q, --quiet Be quiet. Less output will be produced.
-v, --verbose Be verbose.
-l limchar, --like limchar Display only the packages which status flag matches the one specified by limchar.
-L limchar, --not-like limchar Does the opposite of -l flag. Displays the packages which status flag does not match the one specified by limchar.
-i, --case-insensitive Make the exact (-e) or regular expression (-x) matching against pattern case insensitive. This is the default, unless modified by setting CASE_SENSITIVE_MATCH to true in pkg.conf.
-x pattern, --regex pattern Only display the packages that match the regular expression.
-O origin, --match-origin origin Display only the packages which origin matches origin.
-n pkgname, --match-name pkgname Display only the packages which name matches pkgname.
-t version1 version2, --test-version version1 version2 Test a pair of version number strings and exit. The output consists of one of the single characters = (equal), < (right- hand number greater), or > (left-hand number greater) on standard output. This flag is mostly useful for scripts or for testing.
-T pkgname pattern, --test-pattern pkgname pattern Compare pkgname against shell glob pattern and set exit code accordingly. -T can also be used in `filter mode': When one of the arguments is `-', standard input is used, and lines with matching package names/patterns are echoed to standard output.
ENVIRONMENT The following environment variables affect the execution of pkg version. See pkg.conf(5) for further description.
The default index file is searched for in INDEXDIR, or if that is not set, PORTSDIR. INDEXFILE is the name of the index relative to that directory. If INDEXFILE is not set, the default file name is INDEX-N where N is the OS major version number.
FILES See pkg.conf(5).
EXAMPLES The following is a typical invocation of the pkg version command, which checks the installed packages against the local ports index file:
% pkg version -v
The command below generates a report against the versions in the repository catalogue:
% pkg update % pkg version -vR
The following lists packages needing upgrade, compared to the repository catalogue:
% pkg update
pkg_create(3), pkg_printf(3), pkg_repos(3), pkg-keywords(5), pkg-lua-script(5), pkg-repository(5), pkg-script(5), pkg-triggers(5), pkg.conf(5), pkg(8), pkg-add(8), pkg-alias(8), pkg-annotate(8), pkg-audit(8), pkg-autoremove(8), pkg-check(8), pkg-clean(8), pkg-config(8), pkg-create(8), pkg-delete(8), pkg-fetch(8), pkg-info(8), pkg-install(8), pkg-lock(8), pkg-query(8), pkg-register(8), pkg-repo(8), pkg-rquery(8), pkg-search(8), pkg-set(8), pkg-shell(8), pkg-shlib(8), pkg-ssh(8), pkg-stats(8), pkg-triggers(8), pkg-update(8), pkg-updating(8), pkg-upgrade(8), pkg-which(8)
FreeBSD 14.2-RELEASE May 8, 2018 FreeBSD 14.2-RELEASE